Birdathon 2023

Saturday, 13 may 2023

The Loess Hills Audubon Society recently held its annual Birdathon to raise funds for Chapter projects. Much like other “-athons,” donations are pledged based on chapter members’ ability to find as many species of birds as they can during this two-day period.

All in all, our hard-working teams, found a grand total of 104 species. The Chapter thanks all participants for their time and effort. Lists were submitted by fourteen birders in seven teams. Birdathon participants: Jerry Probst, Jerry VonEhwegen, Jan Null, Bill Zales, Anne Shaner, Pam Miller-Smith, Kevin & Marla Zerr, John & Sharon Prolifka, Rex Rundquist, Pam Pfautch, Dotty Zales, and Bill Huser.


  • Each participant/team is requested to collect all their pledged donations and send them to me.

  • Each donor who pledged a donation is requested to forward it to your team or directly to me.  

  • Each additional person who would like to donate to the Chapter’s projects is asked to send an amount based on the number of species found or a flat amount of your choosing. Be sure to designate it as ‘Birdathon.’

(Note: Make checks out to ‘Loess Hills Audubon Society’)

Most importantly, the Chapter thanks all of you who have donated to Chapter projects and to those of you who considered such.

 Bill Huser, LHAS Outings Coordinator & Birdathon Czar, 140 Oakmont Drive, South Sioux City, NE  68776; cell: 712-574-3107 or

Greater White-fronted Goose Hairy Woodpecker Song Sparrow
Canada Goose Downy Woodpecker Lincoln's Sparrow
Wood Duck Northern Flicker Harris's Sparrow
Mallard Least Flycatcher White-crowned Sparrow
Blue-winged Teal Eastern Phoebe Eastern Towhee
Northern Shoveler Great Crested Flycatcher Western Meadowlark
Northern Bobwhite Eastern Kingbird Eastern Meadowlark
Wild Turkey Yellow-throated Vireo Orchard Oriole
Ring-necked Pheasant Warbling Vireo Baltimore Oriole
Rock Pigeon Red-eyed Vireo Red-winged Blackbird
Eurasian Collared-Dove Blue Jay Brown-headed Cowbird
Mourning Dove American Crow Common Grackle
Eastern Whip-poor-will Black-capped Chickadee Ovenbird
Chimney Swift Tufted Titmouse Northern Waterthrush
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Northern Rough-winged Swallow Golden-winged Warbler
American Coot Tree Swallow Tennessee Warbler
Killdeer Barn Swallow Orange-crowned Warbler
Spotted Sandpiper Cliff Swallow Yellow Warbler
Least Sandpiper White-breasted Nuthatch Yellow-rumped Warbler
Lesser Yellowlegs Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Cape May Warbler
Forster's Tern Ruby-crowned Kinglet Magnolia Warbler
Black Tern House Wren Palm Warbler
Double-crested Cormorant European Starling Wilson's Warbler
Great Blue Heron Gray Catbird Blackpoll Warbler
Cattle Egret Brown Thrasher Black-and-White Warbler
Black-crowned Night Heron Eastern Bluebird American Redstart
Green Heron Swainson's Thrush Louisiana Waterthrush
Turkey Vulture American Robin Common Yellowthroat
Bald Eagle House Sparrow Summer Tanager
Broad-winged Hawk House Finch Scarlet Tanager
Red-tailed Hawk American Goldfinch Northern Cardinal
Great Horned Owl Chipping Sparrow Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-headed Woodpecker Clay-colored Sparrow Indigo Bunting
Red-bellied Woodpecker Field Sparrow Dickcissel
Yellow-breasted Sapsucker Lark Sparrow .

All above images copyright 2023 by Marla & Kevin Kerr, used with permission.

Top row: Four images of a Blackpoll Warbler

Bottom row: Tennessee Warbler (2 images), American Redstart, turtle at Turtle Lake in Stone Park.