Chapter Goals
To educate the public on the need to protect wild birds and all other animals, trees and all other plants, soil, air, and water, and to promote a better public understanding of these natural resources.
Support the Important Bird Areas and Bird Conservation Areas programs.
Promote advocacy of bird, other wildlife, and conservation issues.
Increase membership.
Promote and participate in outreach events within the Siouxland Community
Develop partnerships with area organizations in promoting and active participation in projects that coincide with shared concerns regarding bird and wildlife habitat, conservation, and preservation.
To provide the opportunity for study and observation of birds and other wildlife.
Schedule monthly outings to observe birds and educate club members and the public about bird and other wildlife habitat.
Present bird identification classes as part of some monthly meetings.
Maintain a bird hotline to advise members and the public of local sightings.
Evaluate possible update to Siouxland Bird Guide.
Investigate and evaluate fund-raising opportunities.
To contribute to research in the fields of conservation and ornithology by monetary support and active participation.
Participate in local annual Christmas Bird Counts.
Organize the annual Birdathon.
Participate in the annual Great Backyard Bird Count.
Participate in Project Feederwatch.
Participate in local bird surveys.
Promote bluebird trails and houses and report to the public the results of those trails to encourage others to participate.
Offer Mini-Grant opportunities for regional habitat, wildlife, or conservations projects.
To promote the conservation of wildlife and the natural environment and encourage interest in the study of nature.
Hold nine (9) club meetings during the year that emphasize the conservation of birds and other wildlife.
Produce a newsletter as needed for upcoming events.
Publish club meeting dates and program information in the Sioux City Journal and other media outlets.
Maintain a web site, e-mail list, and Facebook page for club activities and conservation news.
Support Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center projects.
Support Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve projects.
Support Stone State Park projects.
Support local Nature Conservancy projects.
Support Northwest Iowa Sierra Club projects.
Support Loess Hills Wild Ones projects.