Wastewater Treatment Past, Present, and Future with Vicki Baker
7:00 PM19:00

Wastewater Treatment Past, Present, and Future with Vicki Baker

Vicki Baker, Wastewater Treatment Plant manager, will discuss how wastewater is treated and will then review when Sioux City’s plant was first built and why. This leads into the plant’s current operations. Vicki will then finish with all the new improvements being made and why.

This is an important topic to maintain the health of Iowa’s rivers, streams, and ground water and all of the creatures using that water.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Vicki’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Floodplain Forests along the Missouri River: Past, Present, and Future with Mark Dixon
7:00 PM19:00

Floodplain Forests along the Missouri River: Past, Present, and Future with Mark Dixon

I and some colleagues are also finishing a book chapter about cottonwood forests for a book on the Missouri River. The book chapter discusses: Floodplain Forests along the Missouri River: Past, Present, and Future. This upcoming Missouri River book is similar to the 2022 Heartland River: A Cultural and Environmental History of the Big Sioux River Valley.

Mark Dixon has been a professor at the University of South Dakota since 2006 where he teaches classes in ecology, river science, and biological statistics. His current research focuses on riparian forest ecology and historical vegetation change, including the effects of river management and floods along the Missouri River. He still enjoys birding and nature walks when he is not working (and even sometimes when he is).

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Mark’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Eagle Hunters of Mongolia with Ty Smedes
7:00 PM19:00

Eagle Hunters of Mongolia with Ty Smedes

Mongolia - Land of the Nomads

Sandwiched between Russia, China, and Kazakhstan, is Mongolia - a beautiful country noted for its nomadic people and culture. These nomads, who are superb horsemen, celebrate a time-honored tradition of hunting with trained Golden Eagles from horseback, for fox and hare. Join nature photographer and world traveler Ty Smedes as he narrates a slide presentation exploring the Mongolian countryside, while experiencing the rich culture as a guest of local nomadic people.

We'll also journey far to the south of the country, to explore the Flaming Cliffs, and renowned Gobi Desert, where seemingly endless sand dunes and the Bactrian Camel herders reign.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Ty’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Tri-State Ornithologists' Unions Meetings
to May 18

Tri-State Ornithologists' Unions Meetings

  • Salvation Army Western Plains Camp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Calendar image copyright 2025 and courtesy of Ty Smedes, used with permission.

The Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Ornithologists’ Unions will hold a joint event at The Salvation Army Western Plains Camp west of South Sioux City on May 16-18, 2025. Separate business meetings will be held but field trips, reception, meals and speakers will be joint activities. LHAS has volunteered field trip leaders and reception greeters. More information will forthcoming as it becomes available as planning is still in progress.

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LHAS Great Backyard Bird Count Team Event
7:30 AM07:30

LHAS Great Backyard Bird Count Team Event

National Audubon Society’s Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is set for February 14-17, 2025.  This Citizen Science event is a widespread effort to collect bird occurrence data across the country and beyond.

On Saturday, Feb. 15, outing participants will divide into teams to count birds at feeders located at DPNC and Ponca State Park, as well as backyard feeders of our own or friends. Meeting times and locations will vary with the teams involved. Teams will also visit Missouri River access points for waterfowl and eagles. Give some thought to sites you may want to count that day and others you may invite to be your team. More details will be available at both the January and February Chapter Meetings.

For more information call 712-574-3107 for Bill or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Campfire Tales at the Midpoint of Winter with Ryan Allen and Brian Hazlett
7:00 PM19:00

Campfire Tales at the Midpoint of Winter with Ryan Allen and Brian Hazlett

  • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Ryan Allen and Brian Hazlett, co-editors of On Common Ground: Learning and Living in the Loess Hills, as they lead the February LHAS meeting with a narrative about the On Common Ground project. Their presentation, interspersed with readings from their book, will celebrate the Loess Hills and compel all to look ahead to Spring.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Ryan and Brian’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Celebrating the Loess Hills Photo Exhibit Reception
3:00 PM15:00

Celebrating the Loess Hills Photo Exhibit Reception

Everyone is welcome to attend a Reception for the LHAS Photo Exhibit at the Betty Strong Encounter Center. Festivities will begin at 3:00 PM. See the awesome photography and visit with our contributing photographers! Refreshments will be available.

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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7:30 AM07:30


  • Singing Hills Walmart Supercenter (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Apologies! Outing is canceled due to upcoming inclement weather!

By January even the latest migrants have moved on, mortality has taken a toll on our winter residents and our water is frozen, except for the Missouri River. This all means that birds are difficult to find and bird outings are challenging to plan.

This means we will meet this morning and weigh our options, taking into account eBird alerts, hotline reports and personal observations, and decide where we will have our best chance of seeing uncommon birds or higher avian activity. Perhaps we will have recent report of another Snowy Owl, reports of either of the Crossbills in nearby towns or reports of visiting Siskins or Redpolls at nearby feeders. With such information we will decide to go to these sites or other nearby sites with like habitat.

Those interested in participating in this outing should dress warmly and bring your walkie talkies and snacks and drinks.

Meeting time: 7:30 AM in the northwest corner of the Singing Hills Walmart Supercenter parking lot.

For more information call 712-574-3107 for Bill or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Celebrating the Loess Hills:  The Loess Hills Audubon Society Photo Exhibit
10:00 AM10:00

Celebrating the Loess Hills: The Loess Hills Audubon Society Photo Exhibit

  • Betty Strong Encounter Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Opening Day of Celebrating the Loess Hills with the Loess Hills Audubon Society photo exhibit at the Betty Strong Encounter Center. Stop down to see the work of Loess Hills members and friends during regular business hours for the Center. The photos highlight the Loess Hills wildlife, landscape, plants, and people enjoying the Loess Hills of Siouxland in a nondestructive manner. The exhibit will close on Sunday, February 23.

One hundred and twelve years of Siouxland birding will be highlighted by memorabilia from the Sioux City Bird Club and the Loess Hills Audubon Society.

Everyone is welcome to attend a reception for the photographers and their family members at 3:00 pm on Sunday, January 19.

Thank you to Loess Hills Audubon Society members and friends who contributed to this exhibit!

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LHAS Silent Auction Fundraiser & Sierra Club Chili Social Fundraiser
4:00 PM16:00

LHAS Silent Auction Fundraiser & Sierra Club Chili Social Fundraiser

It’s all happening in one location! The Loess Hills Audubon Society Silent Auction Fundraiser from 4:00-6:00 pm, and the Northwest Iowa Group of Sierra Club Chili Social from 4:00-7:00 pm (Chili served until 6:30 pm). Both events at the First Unitarian Church, 2508 Jackson St., Sioux City IA.

Browse and Bid on Auction items and support your local Audubon Society’s projects! Enjoy a bowl of homemade Chili and support your local Sierra Club. Plan now to attend! Visit with friends - both old and new.

Snow/Rain/Inclement Weather date is February 1. Watch for updates if a date change is needed.

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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 Cartoonist and Conservationist Jay Norwood "Ding" Darling by Matt Anderson
7:00 PM19:00

Cartoonist and Conservationist Jay Norwood "Ding" Darling by Matt Anderson

Matt Anderson from the Sioux City Public Museum will present a program about cartoonist and conservationist J.N. “Ding” Darling (October 21, 1876 – February 12, 1962). Darling developed an early appreciation for nature and wildlife after his family moved to Sioux City in 1886. In 1900 he became a reporter for the Sioux City Journal before accepting newspaper-related positions in Des Moines and New York City. He received two Pulitzer Prizes for editorial cartoons. Darling was an important figure in the 20th century conservation movement and founded the National Wildlife Federation.

Ding Darling and Matt Anderson were featured on KTIV’s Hometown History.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Matt’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Ida Grove Christmas Bird Count
7:00 AM07:00

Ida Grove Christmas Bird Count

  • Ida County Conservation Center in Moorehead Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ida County Christmas Bird Count is on December 22nd. We have an early 7:00 AM owl prowl for any that want to bird on the own coming our way. Our Count officially starts at 8:00 AM. from our Conservation Center in Moorhead Park.

Dinner is Noon to 1:30 PM with a return to counting until 3:30 PM or so, then come back to the Ed Center to total up the count. My best ever chill for Dinner with pie and ice cream when we total up the count. Any questions, email Don Poggensee or call me at 712-369-3454.

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Sioux City Christmas Bird Count
7:00 AM07:00

Sioux City Christmas Bird Count

  • Sioux City Christmas Bird Count (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Date is now Saturday, December 21, 2024 due to previous inclement weather.

Sioux City Christmas Bird Count: Contact compiler Jerry Probst to assist or if you have questions. Feederwaters are needed in addition to people in the field!

The Sioux City CBC is divided into groups in assigned areas within the circle. Start time is at their option. We usually have two groups owling. My owling group starts at Stone Park at 6:00 AM.

Lunch is on your own but most groups join at Culvers at Singing Hills at Noon to regroup, discuss exceptional sighting and adjust birding areas.

Meet at Jerry P’s house to compile species and numbers and eat after 5:00 PM. Email Jerry P (above) for address and directions.

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Westfield Christmas Bird Count
8:00 AM08:00

Westfield Christmas Bird Count

  • Westfield Christmas Bird Count Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 2024 Westfield Christmas Bird Count will be held Tuesday, December 17. Meet at 8:00 AM for area assignment and map. Contact Bill & Dotty Zales by email to sign up and get direcitons. Bird Feeder Watchers are also needed! A sign up sheet will be available at the December LHAS meeting.

Lunch will be served at 12:30 PM. All-day birders can return later and add to compilation numbers recorded at lunchtime. Food & beverages will be available then also. THANK YOU!!

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Yankton Christmas Bird Count
7:30 AM07:30

Yankton Christmas Bird Count

The Yankton CBC will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2024. I hope you will be able to participate this year. Please mark your calendar and let me know if you can participate. We can always use more volunteers to help with the count.

Contact Roger Dietrich at 1947rogerd@gmail.com for more information or to sign up for the count.

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Ponca State Park Christmas Bird Count
7:30 AM07:30

Ponca State Park Christmas Bird Count

  • Ponca State Park Resource Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 20th annual Ponca State Park CBC will be held on Saturday, December 14. For the first time the Count will be the centerpiece of Ponca’s Winterfest event. This count includes Ponca State Park, Powder Creek WMA and Buckskin Hills WMA as well as the Missouri River, its sandbars, backwaters and bluffs and can host over 60 species of birds. In the past, Greater Prairie Chicken, Black-legged Kittiwake, Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Townsend’s Solitaire, Bohemian Waxwing and Mountain Bluebird have been found on the count.

Those interested in participating in this count should contact me, Bill Huser, at 712-574-3107 or email with your plans and meet at Ponca State Park’s Resource Center at 7:30 AM. The Park will provide a hot lunch at Noon where we will compare notes and plan the afternoon’s effort. Those interested in searching for owls before dawn, should contact Bill Huser before the count.

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LHAS Holiday Celebration and Member Slideshow
7:00 PM19:00

LHAS Holiday Celebration and Member Slideshow

  • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tonight it’s YOUR program! This is an annual highlight for our chapter. Come celebrate the holidays with a seasonal potluck of holiday treats and some of the best adventure and travel tales of our members and friends.

Images for the participant slideshow are due on Saturday, November 16th. Please email Randy Williams with your ten (10) entries.

Send some images; bring some holiday treats to share and enjoy the festivities! Everyone is welcome!

There will be a SHORT LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with the slide show beginning at 7:00 PM.

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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LHAS Outing - A Tour of Local Lakes for Migrating Waterfowl
7:30 AM07:30

LHAS Outing - A Tour of Local Lakes for Migrating Waterfowl

  • Singing Hills Walmart Supercenter (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Migration continues through the month of November. We will tour local lakes to view migrating waterfowl. Viewing will be by vehicle (an excellent observation blind) with minimal walking. Spotting scopes will be arranged in parking areas to better view distant birds. Bird enthusiasts of all levels of experience will be present to assist beginners.

Bring a lunch or be prepared to stop for lunch around noon.

Meeting time: 7:30 AM at Singing Hills Walmart parking lot, in the Northwest corner.

For more information call 712-574-3107 for Bill or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

Please note: This is deadline date for entries for the LHAS Holiday Slide Show for our December meeting. Please email Randy Williams with your entries or contact him for other arrangements.

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Western Prairie Plants in Iowa with Rod Tondreau
7:00 PM19:00

Western Prairie Plants in Iowa with Rod Tondreau

  • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Micro habitats created by the Loess Hills have provided a home for plants of a more western origin. Many of these plants are state protected species found nowhere else in Iowa. These plants have special adaptations which allow them to survive these more harsh conditions.

Please note: Images are due on Saturday, November 16 for the December Holiday Celebration and Slide Show. Please submit by email to Randy Williams or contact him or other arrangements.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Rod’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Bird Friendly Iowa Award for Sioux City
10:00 AM10:00

Bird Friendly Iowa Award for Sioux City

  • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SAVE THE DATE - Click here for more details.

Sioux City was recently awarded the title of Bird Friendly City through the Bird Friendly Iowa program. The public is invited to celebrate the awarding of this title by Bird Friendly Iowa officials.

Doug Harr, Bird Friendly Iowa representative, will present the award to Councilman Matthew O’Kane. Our Bird Friendly Iowa partners will have informational tables inside the Presentation Room to allow people to visit and learn more about their organizations.

A representative from Saving Our Avian Resources (SOAR) will be present to release a rehabilitated raptor.

This event is hosted by the Loess Hills Audubon Society and Woodbury County Conservation-Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center,

See Sioux City's page on the Bird City Network website.

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Union Grove State Park, SD - LHAS Outing.
7:30 AM07:30

Union Grove State Park, SD - LHAS Outing.

  • Chris Larsen Park Public Boat Ramp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Migration continues for many of our song birds through the month of October.

Many southbound birds stop at Union Grove's large burr oak woodland which is surrounded by miles of open agricultural land and serves as an 'island' of habitat for southbound woodland species. In addition to burr oaks, the Park offers a pine plantation and an extensive eastern red cedar grove which also entice worn out migrants to stop and 'refuel.'

LHAS Board member Phil Breed, who lives adjacent to the Park, will be our host and will introduce us to the features of the Park and surrounding area. Experienced birders will be present to help find and identify the migrants, which may also include hawks and waterfowl.

Bird enthusiasts of all levels of experience will be present to assist beginners. Our birding effort will mostly be casual walks around the Park's picnic and camp grounds and roadside birding outside the Park. More extensive trails may appeal to some of us. Bring a sack lunch for a noontime hawk watch from the Park's high point.

Those interested should meet at Chris Larsen City Park's public boat ramp at 7:30 AM, Saturday, October 19. We will proceed by car caravan the 40 miles to the Park. Those wishing to meet us there will find us at the park entrance about 8:15.

A SD Park annual pass or daily permit (available on site) will be required for each car.

For more information call 712-574-3107 for Bill or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Fall Migratory Bird Day
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Migratory Bird Day

Enjoying a morning at Sioux City Prairie Park tallying migrant birds as they pass through Siouxland. The conservation theme this year is Protect Insects, Protect Birds, and focuses on the importance of insects as essential food sources for migratory birds.

Prairie Park activities, supporting designation of Sioux City as a bird-friendly community, begin at 9:00 AM and go until Noon. Binoculars, spotting scopes, and field guides will be available for use at Prairie Park. Prairie Park is accessible for visitors of all abilities.

For more Prairie Park information, please contact Randy Williams.

All LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Rediscover Plymouth County Conservation with Victoria DeVos
7:00 PM19:00

Rediscover Plymouth County Conservation with Victoria DeVos

When was the last time you explored the 2,700 acres of wildlife habitat, hiking, biking and horseback riding trails, ponds and river accesses and campgrounds that Plymouth County Conservation manages?

Join Naturalist Victoria DeVos for a visual tour of the land and facilities managed by the conservation staff. Maybe you will discover your next camping destination, fishing hole, or favorite hiking trail.

New Loess Hills Audubon member Diana Howard will grace our program with a brief selection of poems from Nature’s Grace, her second chap book. Author Howard will invite us to ponder how often we think about the natural world that surrounds us.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Victoria’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Migrating warblers at Stone State Park
7:30 AM07:30

Migrating warblers at Stone State Park

  • Chris Larson Park Boat Ramp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Flycatchers, vireos and warblers are on the move. These insect eating birds are among the first to head south in advance of colder weather. The drab flycatchers, green vireos and colorful warblers are all more difficult to find in the Fall as they now rarely sing and spend their time silently foraging in the very dense foliage. Additionally, identification challenges abound with this year’s hatchlings accompanying, and often outnumbering, the adults. These young birds with their muted colors and patterns may only offer hints of the colors and patterns that make the adults so striking and easy to identify.

Meet us at 7:30am, Saturday, the 14th, at the public boat ramp in Chris Larsen City Park. Those wishing to meet us later in the morning, should look for us in Pammel Valley in the southern part of Stone Park. Look for the signs near the Ranger’s house to find this secluded spot.

Birders of all levels of experience can help each other find and identify songbirds as they pass through our woodlands. This event is ideally suited to those beginning birders looking for tips in finding and identifying birds. Birding will be by slowly walking park roadways and the woodland edges at picnic sites. Those with more patience can even bring a lawn chair for more casual birding.

For more information call 712-574-3107 for Bill or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Antarctica with Steve Backus Zoom Presentation
7:00 PM19:00

Antarctica with Steve Backus Zoom Presentation

  • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This will be a Zoom presentation to the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center.

Steve Backus is an avid birder, captain and naturalist who has gotten to see many corners of the planet and delights in sharing his experiences of this stunning world.

The Antarctic region is one of the more difficult places to reach. The Antarctic and nearby islands are often of great interest to those in love with the natural world.

Holding some of the spaces on the planet that were the last to be explored, we'll talk about the abundant wildlife and particulars of the ecological systems that sustain them.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Steve’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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LHAS Outing to Broken Kettle Grasslands
7:30 AM07:30

LHAS Outing to Broken Kettle Grasslands

We will search for the woodland and grassland birds along Butcher Road and the Joy Hollow entrance road by car or foot. Expected birds include both Black-billed and Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Louisiana Waterthrush, Kentucky Warbler and Pileated Woodpecker.

A couple late changes to the orignal announcement.

1.  The Chris Larsen public boat ramp parking may still be closed on the 3rd. I will be there early in either case to direct those to nearby parking, if necessary. The last announcement posted by the City of Sioux City on 9 July 2024 indicated the boat ramp should be open. But that may be fluid.

2. Tucker Lutter just informed me Joy Hollow is leased by the Girl Scouts that morning. We will simply restrict our birding to Butcher Road, Ridge Road, Broken Kettle Grasslands and Deer Creek and avoid Joy Hollow. We had no special targets or activities planned at Joy Hollow, anyway.

And most importantly, there are NO changes to the food and hospitality! Following our tour of Broken Kettle Grasslands, we have the opportunity to visit Zale’s Prairie Hills. Dotty and Bill Zales have graciously invited us to join them for lunch at their homestead, ‘Prairie Hills,’ around 11:00 AM.

Those interested in the day’s activities should join the group at Chris Larsen Park’s public boat ramp parking lot at 7:30 AM for the caravan to Joy Hollow. Those wishing to meet us later in the morning, can meet us at Prairie Hills on North Ridge Road at 11:00 AM.  In either case, please R.S.V.P. to Dotty Zales or myself (see below) if you plan to join us for lunch.      

For more information call Bill at 712-574-3107 or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Loess Hills Instead of Sandhills -- LHAS July Outing
4:00 PM16:00

Loess Hills Instead of Sandhills -- LHAS July Outing

  • Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come experience the beauty, charm, and wonder of our awesome Loess Hills Prairies. Field trip leader Dr. William (Bill) Zales has inspired numerous students during his college professional career with trips to Appalachia, the Rocky Mountains, and many other protected natural areas in the Midwest. He now enjoys leading groups to appreciate the wonders of nature in Iowa’s Loess Hills. Loess Hills Audubon is partnering with Bill Z., Five Ridge Prairie, and Plymouth County Parks for our July outing.

We will meet at Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve on:

  • Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Come prepared to learn about the birds, plants, other animals, and microbe diversity that makes the Loess Hills special, and what sustainability is all about.

  • Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve is located at 15561 260th St, Westfield, Iowa.

See the Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve website for park details.

For more information call Bill at 712-574-3107 or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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LHAS Outing to Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
9:30 AM09:30

LHAS Outing to Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve

  • Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CORRECTION and sincere apologies. Arrangements did not work for our original destination. So Loess Hills Audubon is joining forces with Adams Homestead for a joint bird walk.

Meet at the Adams Homestead Visitor Center at 9:30 AM for a bird walk along the trails around the homestead and preserve.

For more information, please contact Randy Williams or Jody Moats.

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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World Migratory Bird Day and LHAS BIRDATHON! Prairie Park and Elsewhere.
9:00 AM09:00

World Migratory Bird Day and LHAS BIRDATHON! Prairie Park and Elsewhere.

The Loess Hills Audubon Society will participate in the World Migratory Bird Day on this busy Saturday. We will be dividing into teams to survey our favorite locations, where we will record species observed and count or estimate their numbers. This date has been selected so as to see the most species of birds. Opportunities exist both to locate early migrants, like waterfowl, that may be lingering in our wetlands and to locate the newly arriving shorebirds, flycatchers, sparrows and warblers. These observations will be entered into eBird, the Cornell University Ornithology Lab’s immense database.

Teams will be determined at our monthly meeting Thursday, May 2nd. Experienced birders will lead teams while less experienced birders can select a team or a location they wish to bird. Final assignments and coordination of the teams and members will be communicated to all participants by Thursday, May 9th. Interested members of the Chapter or the public will be asked at the meeting how much of the day they wish to participate, where they want to go or which team they wish to join.

Team 1: Prairie Park activities, supporting designation of Sioux City as a bird-friendly community, begin at 9:00 AM and go until Noon. Binoculars, spotting scopes, and field guides will be available for use at Prairie Park. Prairie Park is accessible for visitors of all abilities.

Insects and their importance to migratory birds is the focus of this year’s World Migratory Bird Day. To celebrate this global campaign, families are invited to participate in some fun educational activities at Prairie Park. Join Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center Naturalist Kari Sandage at 10:00 AM for a bug hunt, learn about insects, and look for birds with experts from the Loess Hills Audubon Society.

Insects are essential sources of energy for many migratory bird species, not only during the breeding seasons but also during their extensive journeys. The loss and disturbance of insect populations at breeding sites and along avian migration routes threaten bird survival and well-being.

For more information regarding Prairie Park activities, please contact Randy Williams.

Team #2: Bill Huser group at Ponca State Park — contact me directly at 712-574-3107 or billfhuser@gmail.com.

Other teams will be determined at the Thursday meeting, 5/2/24.

Loess Hills Audubon members will also be doing much, much more as they take to the field. They will be participating in the Chapter’s annual Birdathon, our annual fundraiser that makes possible chapter activities and funds our conservation grants for deserving conservation and educational efforts in the area.

Loess Hills Audubon Chapter’s members will be soliciting funds much like other “-athons,” accepting donations or pledges based on chapter members’ ability to find as many species of birds as they can on Saturday. This collective effort will find over 100 species so budget accordingly as either an amount per species found or a flat amount for the effort.

Most importantly, the Chapter thanks all of you who have participated or donated to Chapter projects and those of you who considered such.

All LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Honey Bees, Native Bees, and Wannabes
7:00 PM19:00

Honey Bees, Native Bees, and Wannabes

Phil Breed is a beekeeper who loves to share what he has learned about the bee world. You will learn the anatomy of a honey bee, the role and responsibilities of a beekeeper, and the components of a beehive. You will also have interactive activities on the life a honeybee, bee communication, and an opportunity to observe an interactive colony. In addition, learn about the cohabitation of honey bees and indigenous bees and other pollinators.

Phil's first experience with bees was in his uncle's apiary in mid '70s.  Ever since, he has had an interest in apiculture. Phil and his wife, Donna, live on the east side of Union Grove State Park (south of Beresford, SD). Their goal is to have a self-sufficient apiary. Phil posts about their bees and experiences on his Facebook group Birdsong Bees. In addition to working on Master Beekeeper certification through UNL’s GPMB program, Phil is employed part-time as a beekeeping technician at Dordt University through a USDA grant. 

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Phil’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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Storm Lake Surprises!
7:00 AM07:00

Storm Lake Surprises!

  • Singing Hills Walmart Supercenter (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Because many of our wetlands are still dry, we will attempt to find shorebirds, waders and marsh species where the water is more permanent. Our leader for our January outing to the Waterman Creek area, Dana Seifer of Storm Lake, has agreed to lead us around this glacial lake to see its open water, beaches and associated marshes. He also knows of more obscure wetlands and temporary water that may also host these migrants.

Meet us at 7:00 AM at the Singing Hills Walmart parking lot, northwest corner (across from 4 Brothers restaurant) for carpooling and the 90-minute caravan to Storm Lake.

For more information call Bill at 712-574-3107 or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Birding and Other Nature Adventures by Jon Nylen and Leesa McNeil
7:00 PM19:00

Birding and Other Nature Adventures by Jon Nylen and Leesa McNeil

Tonight’s program will include photographs of birds on a tall grass prairie remnant and other areas. The presentation will depict other aspects of nature as well as birding.

Above banner image provided by and copyright 2024 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Jon and Leesa’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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March Marsh Madness at Ponca State Park
3:30 PM15:30

March Marsh Madness at Ponca State Park

Join us for a traditional waterfowler’s experience – a trip to a blind for up close views and photo opportunities of migrating swans, geese, ducks and others. We have arranged for use of Ponca State Park’s wildlife blinds on their North Unit’s wetland.

Meet us at the Ponca State Park Resource Center at 3:30 PM SUNDAY, March 17. We will tour the Park and the riverfront for waterfowl, eagles and other migrants. Following that, we will guide you to the Park’s North Unit grasslands for pheasants, hawks and migrating waterfowl overhead. The riverfront there also gives us opportunities for viewing migrants.

Dress in warm clothing and footwear as we will enter the blind around 6:00 PM to await the arrival at the marsh of feeding or migrating waterfowl. Temperatures plummet as the sun goes down so prepare for temperatures well below those during the afternoon. (On this particular day, GREEN camo will be quite appropriate.)

A daily or seasonal park pass will be required on each car entering the park. Arrange for carpooling with others to avoid unnecessary expense. For more information call Bill at 712-574-3107 or billfhuser@gmail.com

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
7:00 PM19:00

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Artificial lighting has been shown to have many consequences - both positive and negative - for humans and wildlife. David Hoferer, local Sierra Club member and Briar Cliff University biology professor, will introduce us to this growing phenomenon, and explore with us what steps individuals can take to improve the impact on our natural surroundings.

LHAS Board Meeting begins at 6:00 PM with Dave’s program beginning at 7:00 PM.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Enjoy the evening!

The Loess Hills Audubon Society exists to educate individuals and the public to enjoy and promote birding, to support ornithology and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues. The Loess Hills Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society.

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