Ponca State Park Christmas Bird Count Highlights
Black-legged Kittiwake, 1 winter adult on the Missouri River
Pileated Woodpecker, 1 pair in river bluffs downstream from Park
Winter Wren, 1 on riverbank downstream from Park
Red Crossbill, 1 at Buckskin Hills, 1 at the Park's riverfront
Common Redpoll, 1 in river bluffs upstream from Park
Golden Eagle, 3 sighted by three teams in three areas.
Carolina Wren, 1 in the Park
Fox Sparrow, 2 Buckskin Hills
Rusty Blackbird, by 3 different teams
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE; Count organizer
Below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Made a run to Ida Grove (Moorehead Park) to shoot pictures of another Northern Saw-Whet Owl this morning. Note the dead mouse next to the owl.
Ron N., Lawton, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Ron Nicolls, used with permission.
Bald Eagle at Riverside Park and a Sharp-shinned Hawk in a Sioux City neighborhood.
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Snow Bunting, 2 First of Year (FOY)
White-winged Scoter, 1 continuing female/immature
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 1
Cooper's Hawk, 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1 (Krider's or Krider's intergrade)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
All below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
A morning bicycle ride around Kramper Lake produced 19 species. My list would have been longer if I had brought a spotting scope with me. A good section of the lake near the dam is ice-free. The only other visitor to Kramper Lake was an angler launching a fishing boat to try their luck. Sunrise with a little mist from the lake was beautiful. Species highlights were: one White-winged Scoter, two adult Bald Eagles, a smattering of Snow Geese, and a Merlin.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Bald Eagle today near Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center along Big Sioux River. Not sure if I’m completely recovered from flu and do not want to expose the group. Merry Christmas to all!!
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Bald Eagle copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
Sioux City
Merlin in a Sioux City neighborhood.
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
Little Sioux Park, Correctionville, IA
A morning walk along the Union Bridge Trail from Little Sioux Park to Correctionville and back produced 13 species. Most notable sightings were two Bald Eagles, a Barred Owl, and a Belted Kingfisher. Neither of them were amenable to photography.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
White-winged Scoter, 1 (left image, below) continuing female/immature
Red-tailed Hawk, 1 immature dark phase western (middle image, below) (B.j. calurus).
Note in the right photo the bird is interacting with another immature Red-tailed hawk, This one is a light phase that approached, perched upside down and displayed spread wings and tail. This pose was maintained for about 1 minute. It is reminiscent of Bald Eagle courtship when mates lock talons in freefall flight. If anyone knows of this behavior in Red-tailed Hawks, please reply by email to Bill Huser.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Bacon Creek Park
Bacon Creek Park image copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
A morning walk along the trail at Bacon Creek produced a bird list of 16 species. The most notable sighting was at the entrance to the park at about 7:20 AM. A Barred Owl was perched on a power line above the entrance. It flew across the road to the wooded backyard of a private residence.
The lake is not completely iced over, there are open spots in the middle of the lake as well as some along the lakeshore. I found a Belted Kingfisher above one of these lakeshore open spots.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
A morning snow bike ride around the trails at Adams Homestead produced a 13-species bird list. Mud Lake had a layer of ice as well as snow along the cattails. The most notable findings were one adult and one immature Bald Eagle, a Great Horned Owl, and a perched Merlin (second row, left and middle images).
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Tundra Swan image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Tundra Swan, 2, with Trumpeter Swans
Trumpeter Swan, 12
White-winged Scoter, 1 f./im., continuing
Rusty Blackbird, 1 male
Red-breasted Merganser, 20 females
Common Merganser, 3 females, FOS
I Avenue, south of NE hwy35:
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Tundra Swan (left) and Trumpeter Swan (right) image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Kramper Lake
White-winged Scoter, now 2! — (Paul R., Sioux City, IA)
South Ravine Park
Winter Wren, 1 — (Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE)
White-winged Scoter image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Kramper Lake/ Danish Alps, Dakota County Highlights
White-winged Scoter, 1 female/immature (on main lake)
Red-breasted Merganser, 6 females (on main lake)
Ibis species (presumed White-faced), 1 (on south pond)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
White-winged Scoter image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Eastern Screech-Owl image copyright 2023 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
Moorehead Park, Ida County, Ida Grove, IA
I had a red phase Eastern Screech-Owl in NE Ida County and this afternoon I found our first Northern Saw-whet Owl here in Moorehead Park.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Northern Saw-Whet Owl image copyright 2023 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
Adams Homestead
Tundra Swan
Big Sioux River
Juvenile Bald Eagle along Big Sioux near Stone Park!!
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE thursDAY, 9 novemBER 2023
Ida County, Iowa
A Golden Eagle was seen on the ground in a picked corn field about 3 miles to the north west of Holstein, Ida County, Iowa. Also today, a Northern Shrike was seen just to the south east of Ida Grove along a gravel road.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
An early morning bicycle ride around the preserve produced 30 species. Lighting was a little flat which works well for birding but not so well for photography. Notable sightings were 2 immature Bald Eagles; one Great Horned Owl trying it’s best to avoid me; the Tundra Swan was still present on Mud Lake; Rusty Blackbirds were calling (Merlin Sound ID assist) and sighted amongst a small group of Red-wing Blackbirds; and many sparrows were present, including: American Tree, many Dark-eyed Junco, Fox (Merlin Sound ID assist), Harris’s, Song, Swamp (Merlin Sound ID assist), and White-crowned.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Tundra Swan on Mud Lake, copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Tundra Swan at Adams Homestead!!
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE saturDAY, 4 novemBER 2023
Brown’s Lake - Bigelow Park, Woodbury County, IA
Kevin took these photos of a female Common Merganser with a "big fish”. She was fun to watch!
Kevin and Marla K., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE wednesDAY, 1 novemBER 2023
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
Tundra Swan discovered at Adams Homestead while working on my technique for photographing geese in flight. The geese were performing some fun aerobatics.
Jerry Mennenga, Sioux City, IA
http://lostinsiouxland.wordpress.com or Http://jerrylmennengaphotographer.photoshelter.com/index
All below images copyright 2023 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE sunday, 29 October 2023
Leesa and I spotted a Golden Eagle off our deck. We watched it through 10 x 42 Nikon Monarch binoculars. I was unable to get to my camera in time to get a picture(s). We were able to identify it by the brown tipped tail feathers with a white band preceding it.
Jon N., and Leesa M., rural Plymouth County, Iowa
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE Tuesday, 24 October 2023
I Avenue, south of NE-35:
Smith's Longspur, approx. 63 — Several flocks of rattling, sparrow-sized birds were flushed from floodplain, mowed CRP grassland into stairstep flight. All flocks gave rattling call according to Probst (I can't hear them). A grounded bird exhibited orangish flanks, 2 longitudinal white stripes on dark back, breast streaking (JP), face pattern of female/immature Smith's, conical beak longer than that of sparrows. In flight, white edged dark tail. Same site as 2021.
Sandhill Crane, 1 overflight only.
Jerry P., Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE Thursday, 19 October 2023
Crystal Cove, South Sioux City, NE
Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 immature, highly unusual but continuing at site
Spotted Towhee, 1
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Bacon Creek Park
Osprey - 1
Spotted Sandpiper - 1
Prairie Park
Merlin - 1
Bacon Creek Park — 5:00 PM:
Limpkin - 1, Relocated for the first time since Sept. 23 by Marla & Kevin Kerr
Reported by members of Loess Hills Audubon Society, Sioux City, IA
Limpkin at Crystal Cove image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, Dakota County, NE
Limpkin, 1 Resting on edge of marsh on north side of entrance road (39th St.)
Spotted Towhee, 1 male, spots on scapulars and wing coverts, no white bar on primaries
Bill H., and Jerry P., South Sioux City, NE
Crystal Cove Limpkin image copyright 2023 by Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve, McCook, SD
An early bike ride around the preserve — prior to the start of the collegiate cross-country competition — revealed 31 species of birds, including a Bald Eagle, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-rumped Warbler (middle image, below), a singing Eastern Meadowlark, and a good variety of sparrows: Lark, White-throated, White-crowned (fourth image from left, below), Harris’s, and Lincoln’s (far right image, below). Merlin Sound ID also detected a Swamp Sparrow and a Spotted Towhee but these were not confirmed visually.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Kevin and I went to Stone Park (Pammel Valley area) last evening (10/4) and we saw Yellow-rumped (middle image, below) and Nashville Warblers (right image, below). I saw more Northern Flickers than usual. There may have been other species of warblers, they were really flitting around quickly (as usual)!
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Marla & Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
Brown’s Lake, Woodbury County
Great Blue Heron fishing by Jerry Mennenga, copyright 2023, used with permission.
Bacon Creek, Sioux City
Osprey by Todd Wheelock, copyright 2023, used with permission.
Bacon Creek, Sioux City, IA
Photo essay by Jerry Mennenga (all top row) and Todd Wheelock (all bottom row)
All images copyright 2023 by the respective photographers, used with permission.
The Limpkin continues here in Moorehead Park Lake, Ida County. We needed the rain with light rain off and on but the weather did not limit the Limpkin activity.
Here are a few images from today.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
Don Pogensee reported that the Moorhead Park Limpkin was present in the same location this morning.
Though the Bacon Creek Park Limpkin was reported near the concrete overflow structure on the dam last evening, It could not be relocated at any of its previous locations this morning by Bob L. and myself. Nor have I received any reports from others today but there are many overhanging trees on the shorelines and bays that may be hiding 'our' bird.
Bill H., Hotline editor
Bacon Creek, Sioux City
Randy W. found the Limpkin in the southeast corner of the Bacon Creek lake on Monday, 18 September. It was on the shore opposite the kayak launch and fishing dock at the first parking area. The bird flew to the west and could not be relocated at that time. The Limpkin was found later by Marla K. and Kevin K. and other birders.
Todd W. visited Bacon Creek on Sunday, 17 September and recorded these images of the Limpkin and one Great Blue Heron.
All below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE friDAY, 15 september 2023
Limpkins at Large!
On Friday, September 15 Randy Williams discovered a Limpkin at Bacon Creek Park.
This large, sub-tropical wading bird was thought to be restricted to Florida and Georgia until the summer of 2022 when individuals were discovered in NE and IA the same day. Later that summer additional birds were discovered in IA and WI.
However, the summer of 2023 outdid the previous summer when several birds were located across Iowa. One of the later finds was at Moorehead Park near Ida Grove just last Thursday (see report below, 9/14/23).
Before most of us could react to that spectacular find, Randy Williams discovered another bird at Bacon Creek Park near the upper end of the reservoir. Many did react very quickly that day with at least 13 birders seeing it that afternoon and most taking excellent photos of the cooperative bird. Here are some select images from several photographers at Moorehead Park and Bacon Creek Park.
Bill Huser, LHAS Hotline Editor
Moorehead Park, Ida Grove, IA
Above images copyright 2023 by the respective photographer, used with permission.
Far left image: Paul Roisen; all other images: Don Poggensee
Bacon Creek, Sioux City, IA
Above images copyright 2023 by the respective photographers, used with permission.
Top Row: Marla and Kevin Kerr
Second Row: Jan Null
Third Row: Paul Roisen
Fourth Row: Rex Rundquist
Fifth Row: left, Rex Rundquist; middle, Rob Towler; right, Randall D. Williams
Bottom Row: Randall D. Williams
Below video copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE ThUrSDAY, 14 september 2023
I just talked to our Director at Moorehead Park. He took a smart phone photo of what he called a strange looking bird. He showed me the photo, and it was of a Limpkin. I checked the lake to no avail but it could be on the Maple River or other farm ponds in the close area nearby. It may, also, just be moving on migration.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE ThUrSDAY, 7 september 2023
I was reading in my backyard Thursday later morning, noonish, on my deck when this bird comes flying in for a landing alongside the deck on the ground near a fence.
I got up to look and it was a Cooper's Hawk, I believe, and it seemed a bit disoriented. I had two of my cats outside at the time, one who is 21, and the other, napping. I took a couple phone pics and talked a bit to the bird, watching my cats so they wouldn't become too interested.
I ran upstairs and grabbed my one camera backpack and came back down with a camera and didn't see the bird along the deck and then looked underneath the deck and it was still there. Kind of looking around and paying me no mind. I grabbed my cats and put them indoors then began shooting pics. Started with a short zoom, then went to a medium sized tele while the bird was under the deck. Then switched to my tele-zoom as the bird seemed to not be in any kind of hurry. I was at most 17-18 feet away, talking to it, and again, it paid me no mind. I actually had to step off the deck because some shots were going to be too tight with that zoom.
It looked around quite a bit. The birds that might normally be around my feeders were gone. Then it hopped down off the fence into the front yard and walked over to a neighbor's bush where it stayed a bit. I went around to the front of the house, shot some more pics. It walked over to an area, strained its neck looking at something then flew off across the street under another bush.
During all this time its feathers seemed a bit ruffled. I felt bad for the hawk as it kind of hopped a bit before flying across the street and still seemed to not be present of mind totally.
A few weeks ago one flew into my backyard while I was next to the garage. I was, maybe, 10 feet away from where that Cooper's Hawk landed, missing a mourning dover on the ground. Both the dove and its mate flew off. This Cooper’s also paid me no mind and hopped up on a short fence line, looked around then flew directly towards me and up and over my head into a tree next to my garage and then eventually away.
I like encounters, but these are a bit close.
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA
http://www.lostinsiouxland.com and Http://www.jerrylmennengaphotographer.photoshelter.com
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 29 august 2023
Last evening there were many swallows (couldn't tell from a distance what they were) over the golf course at Kingsley, and at least four common nighthawks. Did my heart good... I've hardly seen any the last two years. They fly so artfully!
Kristy M., Kinglsey, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 22 august 2023
Crystal Cove Park, Dakota County, NE; 6:45 - 9:45 AM:
Blackburnian Warbler, 1 im. female
Chestnut-sided Warbler, 1 im. female
Mourning Warbler, 1 male
Look for lone warblers to be loosely associated with mixed flocks of vireos, chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers.
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE sunDAY, 20 august 2023
Good morning, Birders!
The last three days Hubby & I have been watching a skittish ruby-throated female with a leucistic patch on her "forehead," right behind the base of the beak and between her eyes. Wasn't certain at first if it was pollen or something else, but it stays consistently in the same place on her body, and it seems to have a shimmer like her other feathers... When I can catch her out in the open, or when she isn't hiding on the back side of the feeder!
Kristy M., Kingsley, IA
Crystal Cove, Sunday, 20 August, 6:30 - 8:00 AM:
Caspian Tern, 2 flying above lake, caught fish, but moved on within 5 minutes
Empid species., 3 more migrants, probable Least Flycatchers
Wilson's Warbler, 2 males, in lakeside willows
Crystal Cove, Saturday, 19 August, 7:30 - 9:00 AM:
Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 a flyby only, could not re-locate
Empid species, 2 migrating empidonax flycatchers, silent, strong eyering, probably Least Flycatchers
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE friDAY, 18 august 2023
Sioux City, Iowa—Around 11:00 AM
A Peregrine Falcon was kiting into a strong south wind along the bluffs near the tower where one has been present previously this year. It was visible from the Farmers Market parking lot and was soaring and diving with very little effort. It did make one short dive at a Turkey Vulture which had been floating around nearby. Watched it for about 20 minutes and it appeared to be enjoying a breezy morning along the Big Mo.!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 8 august 2023
Graceland Cemetery, Sioux City, Iowa:
Went to Graceland Cemetery for a little stroll around 7:30 PM. Several Crows were cawing and cavorting among the trees and headstones. Then a Cooper’s Hawk came zooming out of a tree after one of the Crows! The Crow managed to escape and other excited Crows were cawing and flying from tree to tree. Then saw a 2nd Cooper’s go after the 1st Cooper’s! They were zooming low below the trees and above the headstones and then both landed, one in a tree and one a headstone. One was an Immature for sure so maybe it was a training session??
So, I decided to park and watch the show! The sequence of a Cooper’s buzzing on the tails of a crow or one of the Cooper’s buzzing on the tail of the other Cooper’s occurred several times! Never saw a Crow get caught by a Hawk but it was very close once! Anyway it was so much fun watching, I forgot to take my walk!
Found the following on Crows vs Cooper’s including videos of encounters between Crows and Coopers.
Cooper's Hawks are very smart, they've been known to hide themselves in a nearby tree and wait. Instead of hunting down prey they'll wait for a chance to ambush them. Among the bird world’s most skillful fliers, Cooper’s Hawks are common woodland hawks that tear through cluttered tree canopies in high speed pursuit of other birds. In pursuit of prey their flight becomes powerful, quick, and very agile, allowing the bird to thread its way through tree branches at top speed. Dashing through vegetation to catch birds is a dangerous lifestyle. In a study of more than 300 Cooper’s skeletons, 23 percent showed old, healed-over fractures in the bones of the chest, especially of the furcula, or wishbone.
Crows hate hawks, so they will often mob up into a large group to drive away any hawk who makes the mistake of hanging around in their area. Crows recognize that hawks will prey on their eggs and chicks, so whole groups of them will harass the real predators until they leave.
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
Little Sioux County Park, Correctionville, IA
Kevin and I went to Little Sioux Park today; we had not been there since our LHAS Outing (October 2021). I was surprised that there was a lot of wild white indigo there. Saw a lot of Indigo Buntings (male, middle image, bottom row), Gray Catbirds, Red-headed Woodpecker (bottom row, right image), and Goldfinches.
Here are a few photos that Kevin took while we were there. I believe the brown bird (4 images, see below) is a female Indigo Bunting. She has a grasshopper in her mouth.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Marla and Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 1 august 2023
Owego Wetlands this morning:
We stopped by the bridge over the creek on 280th Street on the way there (by the trees). I was surprised to hear a Towhee, and then saw the bird. It was an Immature one (see photos, below). It was in "red" on eBird as unreported.
Marla & Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Marla and Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
On my early morning walk I went by a recently mown alfalfa field. I know there has been at least one pair of Upland Sandpipers in that area all summer. This morning I was surprised to have ten take flight from the same area. Unmistakable with their quick chattering call as they took flight and their quick wingbeat. I’m assuming more than one family group formed this small flock.
Jan J., rural Wakefield, Dixon County, NE
Woodbury County, IA
Shorebird migration has begun. Eleven species have been noted at Salix Farms Dairy ponds — PRIVATE PROPERTY!
Dakota County, NE
Siouxland Sod — PRIVATE PROPERTY! Bring a scope!!!
Tuesday, July 26
Buff-breasted Sandpiper, 11-14 FOY
Upland Sandpiper, 8
Killdeer, 61
Friday, July 28
No Buff-breasted Sandpipers!
Saturday am, July 29 update
NO Buff-breasted Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper, 16
Killdeer, 91
Horned Lark, 1
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Kramper Lake/Danish Alps, Dakota County, NE
Sedge Wren, 3 singing males (FOY)
Marsh Wren, 1
Black Tern, 2 first fall migrants (FOS)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Farmer's Market, Sioux City, Iowa:
Loaded up my scope and binocs on the way to Farmer's Market just in case the Peregrine Falcon might be at the tower nearby where it was seen last Saturday by LHAS birders from the nearby boat ramp.
I checked the tower when I arrived around 9:45 A.M. and could see the Peregrine perched on the 2nd platform from the top on the north side. Watched it for a while and it started to move around and stretch its wings and then it took flight. I grabbed my binocs to try to locate it and saw a large bird (Turkey Vulture) and the peregrine came out of nowhere and attacked the vulture 3 times before giving up and going back to its perch. The vulture maneuvered pretty well for a large bird and continued on! Was fun to watch!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
Cooper’s Hawk image copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
The Morningside Cooper’s Hawks are fledged and exploring the neighborhood.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Tower on Prospect Hill, Sioux City
Peregrine Falcon, 1 adult (note black 'helmet', yellow cere). This is presumably the same bird captured on KTIV's weather cam, which is located very near the top of the tower. This morning, the bird was perched about half way up the tower and was visible with a scope from the Farmer's Market parking lot. This may be the first summer record of the species here.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Missouri River at Ponca State Park, North Unit
Sanderling, 1 adult in breeding plumage (early migrant?)
Least Tern, 22
Piping Plover, 16
Reported by one of the Piping Plover research teams on the Missouri River, Bill Huser, editor.
Sage Thrasher Updates, Plymouth County, IA
Still coming to the same pile as of 3:30 this afternoon (7/8/23). It was about half an hour wait for it to show. We watched it feed but it didn’t vocalize while we were there.
Joe J., Plymouth County, IA
As of noon July 5th the Sage Thrasher of Plymouth County was still singing atop a dirt pile on Juniper Ave.
Doc. H.— Kingsley, Ia.
Cooper’s Hawk image copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Cooper’s Hawk nest update from a Morningside neighborhood.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
I was watching KTIV Channel 4 weather report on the Thursday, 29 June weather report at 6:00 PM by Ron Demers: He clicked on the weather cam showing Sioux City and was surprised to see a large bird perched on the weather cam tower! He talked about the bird being there and then the whole crew talked about it at the end of the show. They had no idea what it was but when I saw it, I realized wow! It's a Peregrine Falcon!
Jan recorded that report so she was able to watch the recording and stop it and get a picture of the bird. The background shows Sioux City buildings but I watched the Cam today and it shows the west side of the Tyson Center so I believe the cam is west of Tyson Center and possibly on those high bluffs. I haven't had a chance to visit the area to see if I can find the tower and see if the bird might be hanging out there.
They have more than 1 cam and this one is sponsored by Blackbird Bend Casino. I'm hoping to also contact Channel 4 and report that they had a fairly rare bird on their cam!
Jerry V.
Cooper’s Hawks image copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Cooper’s Hawk nest update from a Morningside neighborhood.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Sunday was a very nice day for eaglets in Correctionville. I left early to attend Don P.'s program in Ida Grove and detoured when I got to Correctionville. It was a bit overcast and cloudy off and on and that seemed to help. Used my smaller fixed telephoto with a 2X attached. The eaglets just sat and watched, letting the wind gusts buffet them a bit and fluff their feathers. The one in the nest was eating something off and on. It took a bit for me to see the one just sitting in the open on the branch and then to work my way around a bit to get a better, clearer angle to photograph the nest.
There was another eagle that left the nest next to the one in it, in addition to the one sitting on the branch. Couldn't tell if the one that left had any white on the tail, that is, if it was another juvenile or an adult.
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA
http://www.lostinsiouxland.com or Http://www.jerrylmennengaphotographer.photoshelter.com
All below images copyright 2023 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 20 june 2023
After a bicycle ride along the Floyd River Trail I had a pleasant surprise on returning home. I have been watching a Cooper’s Hawk nest in our neighborhood. This was my first day to see any chicks in the nest. I could see one but I had to upload my photos to see the second chick. A third chick was discovered later in the day.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below photos copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE sunDAY, 18 june 2023
Three upland sandpipers in Plymouth Co - the most I've seen in one day in several years. 2 along Oyens Avenue (?K-64) about 5 miles north of C-60, & one on C-60 just east of the C-60/Oyens Avenue Intersection.
Yesterday, traveling between Plymouth & Marshall Counties, encountered a pileated woodpecker south of Marshalltown, on South 12th Avenue south of Old US Hwy 30 (about 1/2 a mile south of Isaak Walton League).
On the way home, ~5 miles west of Webster City on US Hwy 20, a common nighthawk flew over the four-lane in the midst of the thunderstorm.
Kristy, Plymouth County
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE monDAY, 12 june 2023
Went out Monday on a coolish morning. The two young ones were testing their wings riding a bit of a breeze and wind gusts on the nest as one adult was stationed on a branch nearby. Didn't see the other adult. Maybe hunting. The little ones are growing.
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA
http://www.lostinsiouxland.com or http://www.jerrylmennengaphotographer.photoshelter.com
Below images copyright 2023 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
Tamarack Ave & C44, Plymouth County, IA
SAGE THRASHER, 1 presumed singing male foraging upon and singing from a dirt pile rich in organic content. Seen and photographed by Rob T. on Sunday, 11 June. Per Rob, bird originally reported by ebirder Zachary Emery on 6/10. Located 1⁄4 mile south of Pleasant Hill Cemetery on Tamarack Ave NE of Kingsley, IA.....east side of road on large dirt pile.
Vesper Sparrow, 1, foraging on pile
House Sparrow, pr., foraging on pile
Reporters: Rob T., Sioux City, IA and Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2023 by the respective photographers, used with permission.
Top Row: Left and middle images by Rob Towler. Right image by Bill Huser.
Middle Row: All images by Bill Huser.
Bottom Row: All images by Jan Null.
Sage Thrasher video copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Kiowa Marsh, Sac County, IA
Nine pictures by Jan Null taken 6-12-23 at Kiowa Marsh in Sac County.
Jerry V. and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Kiowa Marsh is a 55-acre Wetland in Sac County.
South view of Kiowa Marsh.
North view of Kiowa Marsh.
Colorful Plants.
Active Insects.
Female Hooded Merganser-(Flying Upper Right).
Great-tailed Grackle hiding in the reeds.
Red-winged Blackbird defending territory.
Yellow-headed Blackbird adds some color.
All below images and video copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
An early morning bike ride around the trail system of Adams Homestead produced an eBird list of 43 species. Dickcissels (13 singing) and Eastern Meadowlarks (8 singing) appear more abundant than in times past.
Only one singing Bell’s Vireo was noted. Single individuals were also noted for: Indigo Bunting, Field Sparrow, Western Kingbird, Western Meadowlark and Cooper’s Hawk.
I also had a raccoon run across the trail in front of me and from the observation platform I saw a beaver swimming on the Nebraska side of the Missouri River.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE saturDAY, 10 june 2023
Swamp Sparrow image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
Least Bittern, 1 seen in flight at extreme south end (by kayak)
Willow Flycatcher, 5 singing males
Swamp Sparrow, 2 singing males
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE wednesDAY, 7 june 2023
K Ave & 170th St. grasslands, Dakota County, NE (south of US-20, north of NE-35, near Jackson, NE)
Upland Sandpiper, 1 pair
Bobolink, 4 or more singing males
Grasshopper Sparrow, 2 singing males and 1 female
Dickcissel, dozens
Western Meadowlark, 2 singing males
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 6 june 2023
American Woodcock image copyright 2023 by Pam Miller, used with permission.
Saw this American Woodcock off the cart path at the Dakota Dunes Country Club golf course and had to take a photo. Also saw Turkey and young ones on #8 hole.
Pam M., Dakota Dunes, SD
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE sunDAY, 4 june 2023
Three Western Kingbirds working the field right behind (north side) of the Fazolii's on Singing Hills--across from Walmart.
Paul R., Sioux City, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE friDAY, 2 june 2023
I decided to bicycle the Lewis & Clark trail system from Adams Homestead visitor center to Chautauqua Park and back this morning. I did not start an eBird list and did not have binoculars with me. However, I noted two Common Nighthawks flying and “BEEErzh”-ing over the Dakota Valley schools as I started my ride.
I also noted Western Kingbirds at Riverside Park near the parking lot between the public bathrooms and the Rivercade Headquarters building. There were also some flying around the border between the “old” riverfront recreational area and the new construction area. I have seen them in this location previously. I also noted a pair at Chautauqua Park at the sidewalk that leads to the ball fields and concession area.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
Was biking with Leesa yesterday and saw 1 Great Crested Flycatcher on the western side of the park (just off a heavily-used trail).
Leesa M., and Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
Who knew Scarlet Tanagers like oranges and orioles?!?!!
Thursday, 25 May update: I just spotted the tanager again this morning on our Oriole feeder. It then flew down into our woods so I am going out on a limb (excuse the pun) and guessing it may be nesting down there.
Leesa M., and Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
Baltimore Oriole (left) and Scarlet Tanager (right) image copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City, Iowa
A Common Nighthawk was perched lengthwise on a horizontal limb at the 3rd parking lot. Then as I turned onto Green Ave. on the way home, I was greeted by 2 Wild Turkeys in full strut in the middle of the street along with one female. I stopped to observe and looked to the right and there were 10 more males in full strut for an even dozen and more females enjoying the show!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
Stone Park
Veery, 1 First of Year (FOY)
Wood Thrush, 2 FOY
Warblers - 18 species including:
Northern Parula, 1 male
Canada, 1 male FOY
Magnolia, 4
Blackburnian, 1 male
Blackpoll, 5
Chestnut-sided, 1 male
Northern Waterthrush, 1
Louisiana Waterthrush, 1
Marla K. reports 30 species at her home including a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Chestnut-sided Warbler, American Redstart, and Indigo Bunting.
Observers: Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE (Stone Park) and Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Lazuli Bunting image copyright 2023 by Rob Towler, used with permission.
Lazuli Bunting at Raider’s Acres, adjacent to East High School, Sioux City, IA
Rob T., Sioux City, IA
Crystal Cove 6:30 AM - 11 warbler species!
Ovenbird 1
Black & White Warbler 1
Tennessee Warbler 1
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 1
American Redstart 3
Yellow Warbler 11
Blackpoll Warbler 1
Plus Scarlet Tanager male
Crystal Lake 6:30 PM
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 1
Yellow Warbler 4
Palm Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
Wilson's Warbler 1
RobTowler reported from Brown's Lake, some of these plus: Chestnut-sided Warbler and Blackburnian Warbler. That's an exceptional 17 species!
Observers: Rob T., Sioux City, IA and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Dotty Zales’ Excellent Adventure in NV:
I birded Saturday of Birdathon South of Reno, NV with our daughter Amy & 17-year-old granddaughter, Millie. Ah youth, the better to see & the better to hear! Sent 3 eBird information to Bill H. Perfect weather! Great fun birding together!
Dotty Zales and family!
Northern Pintail | White-headed Woodpecker | Mountain Chickadee |
Western Grebe | Red-breasted Sapsucker | Spotted Towhee |
California Quail | Western Kingbird | Brewer's Blackbird |
Black-necked Stilt | Steller's Jay | Bullock's Oriole |
Calliope Hummingbird | California Scrub-Jay | Western Tanager |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Black-billed Magpie | Black-headed Grosbeak |
Owego Wetlands, Woodbury County, Iowa
Had a great look at an immature Golden Eagle at Owego Wetlands. It was perched on a short electric pole on 290th street as I drove from east to west with the sun to my back. From a long distance I assumed it was a Turkey Vulture but as I got closer I saw its large size and Golden Nape. It then took off towards the south and circled several times and I was able to see its white patches at the base of primaries and at the base of the tail. Another beautiful bird!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
We saw our first Ruby-throated Hummingbird at our house today! Also an Orchard Oriole along with more Baltimore Orioles and female orioles.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
This morning while on a walk with 21 other prairie enthusiasts, I observed a very colorful male Scarlet Tanager at Fowler Forest Preserve, located approximately 1/2 mile west of Smithland, Iowa, on Hwy 141 near the Southwood Conservation Area.
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE monDAY, 1 may 2023
Barred Owl image copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
A visit to Little Sioux Park and an out-and-back walk along the Union Bridge Trail produced a list of 31 species. Two adult Bald Eagles are still guarding their nest along the trail. I saw them chase off a pair of Canada Geese. There were quite a few Yellow-rumped Warblers and several White-throated Sparrows along the trail. I saw but could not photograph two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers near the campground entrance. They moved between the tree lines on either side of the campground. The other notable species was a Barred Owl.
Randy W. Sioux City, IA
Sandhill Lake, Woodbury County, IA
Had a great look at an adult Peregrine Falcon as it made 4 or 5 passes at shorebirds on the pond south of the house. I was approaching from the north and saw a flock of dowitchers take flight and a large bird flew north over my car. I parked and the falcon made 3 or 4 more strafes low over the water and went right above my car. It was unsuccessful and last seen zooming north! A beautiful bird looking for lunch!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
Adams Homestead
Here are a few White-faced Ibis photos that Kevin took today at Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve. They show more color. The American Avocets are still on Mud Lake. We saw a Lark Sparrow, White-throated Sparrows, a Field Sparrow, and a Lincoln's Sparrow today in addition to 30 Yellow-rumped Warblers!
Kevin & Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Below photos copyright 2023 by Kevin & Marla Kerr, used with permission.
Bacon Creek Park
A morning walk around the trail at Bacon Creek produced 38 species including American Wigeon; a Hooded Merganser; Chipping, Field, White-throated, White-crowned, Song, and Lincoln’s Sparrows; a singing Eastern Meadowlark; and Palm and Yellow-rumped Warblers.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Top Row, from left: Great Blue Heron flying across the lake, Hooded Merganser, American Wigeon
Bottom Row, from left: Yellow-rumped Warbler and Palm Warbler (two images)
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Crystal Cove
Osprey 1
Palm Warbler 1 First of Year (FOY)
Crystal Lake
American Pipit 2 FOY
Observers: Mark Haindfield, Jerry Probst, Bill Huser
Woodbury County, IA
Several birds have come to the feeders on their trip North so far. A few will stay here.
White-throated Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Lincoln Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Turkey Vulture
Eastern Towhee
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Red-winged Blackbird (They actually have been back for about a month.Unfortunately, sometimes the whole flock will land at the feeders at one time. Counted 40 one day. They can eat a lot of seed in an hour.)
American Robin (uses the bird bath daily)
A pair of vultures are casing out the corn crib as they have the last two years. They must think it would be a good place for a nest. This afternoon, one was on the corn crib and the other on the barn. They can't get into the corn crib so will move on in a day or two.
Still waiting for:
House Wren
Red-headed Woodpecker
White-crowned Sparrow
Bluebirds (Nests in a bird house on the hill if the wrens will leave them alone.)
Brown Thrasher
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (hear it calling down in the pasture.)
Common Yellow-throat (Nested across the road from the house last year. Usually is in the pasture.)
Last year a pair of Ruby-crowned Kinglets hung around. Hope they return.
All but the W-C Sparrow will stay once they return. Am getting excited to see them again.
Carol B., rural Woodbury County, IA
Owego Wetlands
Jerry M. sent these photos of the Bald Eagle nest on private property just outside of Owego.
Images copyright 2023 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
Owego Wetlands
American Golden-Plover 6 in basic plumage, First of Year (FOY)
Golden Eagle, 1 immature, late record
The Square
American Bittern 1 FOY
Smith's Longspur 2, seen well and photographed on the ground; 80 probable Smith's seen in air above these two FOY
Observers: Mark Haindfield, Jerry Probst, Bill Huser
Westfield, IA
Eastern Whip-poor-will. First Of Year (FOY). Same date as last year
Bill & Dotty Zales, rural Westfield, IA
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
Adams Homestead has been a hot spot of migration over the last few days. Here are some highlights:
Sunday, 23 April
Jerry M. wanted to try his new foldable fat tire bike and I suggested a trail ride at Adams. We brought bicycles and cameras but I did not start a bird list. We saw a variety of waterfowl in a feeding frenzy at several locations on Mud Lake (see below). The group mainly consisted of American Coot, Blue-winged Teal, Wood Duck, and Northern Shovelers. We also discovered two American Avocets.
Jerry M. planned to return with a larger telephoto lens for some better photos (8 of the 10 below images).
All below images copyright the respective photographers, used with permission. Top row, two images on left by Randall D. Williams. All other images by Jerry L. Mennenga.
Monday, 24 April
I returned to see if Eastern Whip-poor-wills were back. I did not hear them. But Eastern Meadowlarks were singing from three different locations around the preserve. A Vesper Sparrow was also singing (top, middle image). I only found one American Avocet. I was concentrating on the Avocets and almost missed a Marbled Godwit (top, left image and all three middle images).
In the afternoon Marla K. visited the preserve to see the Avocets. She also discovered a White-faced Ibis (three bottom images) and heard singing Eastern Meadowlarks.
Wednesday, 26 April
Another bike ride around the preserve. The godwit was gone but there were three American Avocets in Mud Lake. I also saw White-throated Sparrows, Lark Sparrows (left image), a singing Vesper Sparrow, and Yellow-rumped Warblers (middle and right images).
All above images copyright 2023 by the respective photographers, used with permission.
Observers: Marla K., Jerry M., and Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Great Egret image copyright 2023 by Bill Zales, used with permission.
Not great photos, but 5 Great Egrets that found their way to our small pond in SW Plymouth County, IA.
Bill & Dotty Zales Westfield, IA
Today we had two Great Egrets working the water edge on Moorehead Lake here in Ida Grove.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
Dakota Dunes, SD
Northern Flicker in my backyard. (See below, left)
American White Pelicans straddling the IA-SD border on the Big Sioux River. (See below, right)
Pamela S., Dakota Dunes, SD
Below images copyright 2023 by Pamela Smith, used with permission.
Kramper Lake:
Eared Grebe, 2 one in breeding plumage, one in basic, First of Year (FOY)
Horned Grebe, 2 in breeding plumage
Snowy Egret, 1 FOY
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher, 1 FOY
Savannah Sparrow, 1 FOY
Jackson, NE:
Purple Martin, 1 pair
Savannah Sparrow, 4
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Little Sioux Park, Woodbury County, IA
A non-birding friend and I visited Little Sioux Park this morning. We could determine one eaglet was in the Bald Eagle nest. A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was drumming near the start of the Union Bridge Trail at the park. There was also a cooperative Eastern Phoebe at Union Bridge.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Stone State Park
Pileated Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Northern Rough-winged Swallows at Pammel Valley, Turtle Lake and near the east entrance to Stone Park. The Pileated was seen just inside the Talbot Road entrance.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Sandhill Lake, Woodbury County, IA
Low water level, re-watered since last Fall, good shorebird conditions only a few Baird's Sandpipers present
Salix Farms Dairy, Woodbury, County, IA
Also, re-watered since last fall
Dunlin, 11 First of Year (FOY)
Least Sandpiper, 1 FOY
Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 alternate plumage FOY
Lesser Yellowlegs, 1
Baird's Sandpiper, 2
Jersey Dairy Farm
Re-watered since last Fall, no exposed mudflats yet.
The Square
East side wetlands bordering Fayette Ave. have re-watered since last Fall
Lesser Yellowlegs, 6
All sites dried out last summer, but have re-watered to some degree with the limited winter precipitation. All are in danger of drying out completely again, however.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Stone State Park
While Kari, Dotty, Bill Z. and I were meeting with the Loess Hills Wild Ones this afternoon to discuss Bird Friendly Iowa efforts for the City of Sioux City, Kevin went birding at Stone Park around Pammel Valley and Turtle Lake. It was a very windy day, but he did see birds. The Dark-eyed Juncos have not been seen in our yard (we had lots) for about a week, but he did see one at Stone Park.
Images from left: Dark-eyed Junco, Osprey, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Red-headed Woodpecker.
Kevin & Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Images copyright 2023 by Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
Adams Homestead
I joined Dave Swanson and his ornithology class from the University of South Dakota on a short walk along the trail at Adams Homestead. It was windy, cold, and overcast but we did not have any rain until we finished at the visitor center.
Twenty-seven species were seen by our group of 10. Highlights were Eastern Bluebirds, singing Eastern Meadowlarks (middle image, below), a variety of waterfowl on Mud Lake, a good look at a pair of Lincoln’s Sparrows (right image, below) at the VC, and three migrating Swainson’s Hawks who flew over the visitor center for us.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Winnebago WTP:
Kramper Lake:
Greater Scaup, 2 females. Note round crown, larger bill, larger 'nail' at bill tip, wide head and large 'jowls' (see Sibley's Guide for his illustrations of scaup head width.) Also, note the extra white on face of one bird.
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Greater Scaup images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
I saw an Eastern Phoebe near Mud Lake at Adams Nature Center this evening. Here are a few pics. He has a flying insect in his bill in one of the pictures. You are welcome to use the photos, if you want to. He was fun to watch as he hunted.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
Crystal Cove, South Sioux City
Brown Thrasher, 1 FOY
Horned Grebe, 1 in basic (winter) plumage
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
California Gull, 1 adult, uncommon here, with the Ring-billed Gulls (see image, below)
Ring-billed Gulls, 75
Bonaparte's Gull, 3 FOY
Franklin Gull, 1-2 FOY
Common Loon, 1 in basic (winter) plumage
Barn Swallow, 1 FOY
Also first of year (FOY):
13-lined Ground Squirrel scampering around at Kramper
Painted Turtles sunning themselves at Crystal Lake
Beaver sunbathing and grooming after a long winter under Kramper's ice (see below)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City
Below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Little Sioux Park and Union Bridge Trail
A beautiful morning to find 27 species at Little Sioux Park near Correctionville. The main purpose was to check the Bald Eagle nest. There are two eaglets within the nest. Other sightings of note: Fox Sparrow singing in the brush along Bacon Creek on the north side of the bridge and a coyote within the park loping away from me and towards the closed campground.
Below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Woodbury County
A day with relatively little wind was too tempting to not go for a bicycle ride to Sergeant Bluff and back via Old 141 and D-38. Three Western Meadowlarks were singing along Old 141. Four Wild Turkeys were at the intersection of Old 141 and D-38 and the ditches along D-38 had calling leopard frogs, a couple of Canada Geese and a few Blue-winged Teal.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
More Woodbury County
A pair of Wood Ducks checked out the cottonwood across the road this morning. First saw them before the sun was up but it was up when they left. Female climbed into a couple holes in the tree checking things out. A pair has been in the trees each spring but haven't nested in them. They usually spend about 15 minutes. This year they were there a half hour before heading to another big tree in the pasture.
Carol B., Woodbury County, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Carol Blair, used with permission.
Stone State Park
The roads at Stone Park are open now.
We saw 2 Eastern Phoebe at Stone State Park today - from the road over the trail tunnel. Also heard 2 Barred Owls calling to each other - Pammel Valley area.
Marla K. and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Bacon Creek
It was a slow start this morning. Most waterfowl are gone from the end of the lake near the dam. Better sightings in the backwaters. Eastern Towhee was near the spillway on the East shore of the lake. Belted Kingfisher was flying around the pond on private property that spills into Bacon Creek.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Adams Homestead
An early morning bicycle ride around the trails produced 31 species. Still, a good collection of waterfowl on Mud Lake, including a lone Snow Goose with Gadwall and Green-winged Teal. Two Eastern Meadowlarks were singing, one on the northwest corner of the Lake Loop, near the private bison pasture, the other was singing near the entrance to the archery range.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Owego Wetlands
Jerry M. and I drove to Owego to check on the Bald Eagle nest on private property just outside of the complex. Two adults were around the nest and we saw two eaglets within the nest.
Jerry M., and Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All images below copyright 2023 by the respective photographers, Jerry L. Mennenga (JM) and Randall D. Williams (RW), used with permission.
Top Row, from left: Nest tree on private property (RW); Jerry setting up (RW); Adult on the nest (JM)
Middle Row, from left: Change of the guard (JM); Waiting (JM); Grub hub delivery (RW)
Bottom Row, from left: Making final approach (RW); Drop off (JM); On deck (JM)
Cloud of migrating blackbirds - SW Plymouth County
Leesa M., Plymouth County, IA
Blackbird Cloud image copyright 2023 by Leesa McNeil, used with permission.
Crystal Cove City Park, South Sioux City, NE
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 4 april 2023
Kevin and I went to Crystal Cove, South Siuoux City, NE, when he got off work today, around 4:30 PM. We saw a Common Loon, and a variety of other ducks including the Red-breasted Mergansers, plus a Great Blue Heron. Thank you for letting me know that there were Loons on the lake today!
Marla K., Sioux City
Below images copyright 2023 by Marla & Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
Crystal Cove City Park, South Sioux City, NE
Snyder's Bend, Woodbury County, IA
Horned Grebe, 1 First of Year (FOY)
American White Pelican, 250
Double-breasted Cormorant, 400
Great Egret, 1
Belted Kingfisher, 1 male
Sandhill Lake, Woodbury County, IA — There is water again!
Wilson's Snipe, 2-4 FOY
Pectoral Sandpiper, 1 FOY
Green-winged Teal, >1000
plus all other puddle ducks
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE monDAY, 3 april 2023
Dakota Dunes Tyson Ponds
Top Row, from left: Double-crested Cormorants (2 images), immature male Red-breasted Mergansers molting to breeding plumage, female Lesser Scaup
Bottom Row, from left: female Ruddy Duck, Great Blue Heron (2 images), Cedar Waxwing
All below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE sunDAY, 2 april 2023
Adams Homestead
Top Row, from left: Lesser Scaup, Pied-billed Grebe, Pied-billed Grebe
Bottom Row, from left: Red-breasted Merganser, Bufflehead, Canada Geese
All below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
Pelicans at Snyder’s Bend and Brown’s Lake, April 1st and 2nd.
After two days of shooting and almost 5,000 (maybe 4,700) images taken, these are what I consider the best of my take. By far the light later morning on Sunday at Brown's Lake was better than Snyder's Bend earlier on Sunday, and both were better than my afternoon jaunt to Snyder's on Saturday.
I like some because they contain different species of birds (swan, pelicans and maybe coots or cormorants) such as the pelicans flying with a cormorant tagging along. By far the predominant birds I photographed were the pelicans.
Haven't looked at my video yet, but am hopeful it is like the stills. A bit more forgiving since the objects are moving, and me too.
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA; http://www.lostinsiouxland.com or http://www.jerrylmennengaphotographer.photoshelter.com
All images below copyright 2023 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
Sioux City Prairie Park
A beautiful morning for a quick visit revealed 22 species with a very good selection of waterfowl in the pond. There were all three species of mergansers, a Pied-billed Grebe, Ruddy Duck, Canvasback, numerous Northern Shoveler and Lesser Scaup. A Turkey Vulture and a Bald Eagle had separate flyovers.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Top row, from left: Canvasback, Ruddy Ducks and Canvasback, Red-breasted Mergansers
Bottom row, from left: Red-breasted Merganser, Bufflehead (left) and Hooded Merganser (right) and Common Merganser.
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City, IA
A foggy early morning walk around Bacon Creek revealed an impressive number of individual waterfowl as well as species of waterfowl. Thirty-three species of birds were identified.
Blue-winged Teal - 12
American Wigeon - 4
Green-winged Teal - 38
Hooded Merganser - 8
Ruddy Duck - 6
Pied-billed Grebe - 5
American Coot - 20
Great Blue Heron - 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Fox Sparrow - 6
Song Sparrow - 8
Common Grackle - 4
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Crystal Cove, Dakota County, NE
Red-breasted Merganser, 13
Common Merganser >100
Hooded Merganser 10
Pied-billed Grebe 3 FOY
Fox Sparrow 3 FOY
Ring-billed Gull 10
Plus many ducks
Snyder's Bend, both Woodbury, IA & Dakota County, NE
American White Pelican 33
Ross's Goose 2
Blue-winged Teal 3 males
many, many ducks
Brown's Lake, Woodbury, IA
Red-breasted Merganser 1
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Ring-billed Gull 10
Common Merganser >50
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Sioux City Prairie Park
A very good selection of waterfowl at Prairie Park this late morning (Randy) and afternoon (Marla).
Blue-winged Teal - 2
Northern Shoveler - 75
Canvasback - 10
Redhead - 4
Hooded Merganser - 8
Ruddy Duck - 2
Killdeer - 1
Ring-billed Gull - 2
Turkey Vulture - 9
Belted Kingfisher - 1
And many other ducks than the highlights listed here.
Randy W. (AM), and Marla K. (PM), Sioux City, IA
Little Sioux Park
I visited Little Sioux Park twice last week, Wednesday, 22 March and Friday 24 March. I went by myself on Wednesday and returned with two Sioux City Camera Club members, Carey A. and Jerry M., on Friday. There were eagles and waterfowl along the Little Sioux River and in the ponds adjacent to the Union Bridge Trail. Highlights include: Trumpeter Swans, Common Goldeneye, Common Mergansers, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Green-winged Teal, and Bald Eagles, adults and immatures. Snow Geese and Greater White-fronted Geese were flyovers. Friday also had a surprising number of crows in the area.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by the respective photographer, used with permission.














Carey Anderson
Immature Bald Eagle along the Little Sioux
Avoiding the Photographers
Morning Walk
Jerry Mennenga
Goose Overhead!
Red-winged Blackbird
European Starlings
Waterfowl Variety
Immature Bald Eagle
Trumpeter Swans
Randall D. Williams
Snow Along the Trail
Lesser Scaup Flotilla
Ring-necked Ducks and Lesser Scaup
Confluence of Bacon Creek with the Little Sioux River
The Northwest Iowa Group of Sierra Club visited DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. Twenty-one bird species were identified on the drives to and from DeSoto as well as on the roads within the refuge and around the visitor center. I was excited to see the Northern Pintail, one of my favorites!
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
All images below copyright 2023 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
Top Row, from left: Refuge sign; Visitor Center; Ring-necked Duck
Bottom Row, from left: Northern Pintail; Ring-necked, Northern Shoveler and Green-winged Teal; Missouri River bend
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE saturDAY, 18 march 2023
Hubby and I chanced to see this immature Golden Eagle flying over our prairie and dive-bombing some wild turkeys this afternoon!
Leesa M., and Jon N., SW Plymouth County in the Loess Hills
Golden Eagle images copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 14 march 2023
Waterfowl at Snyder’s Bend.
Here are four pictures and two videos of waterfowl taken by Jan at Snyder's Bend on 3-14-23.
Jerry V. and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Red-winged Blackbirds have returned!
Mass of Snow Geese (Behind Tree Line!).
Trumpeter Swan and Friends.
All below images and videos copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Near Mapleton, IA
Cedar Waxwing image copyright 2023 by John & Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
There were approximately 30+ cedar waxwings in our trees early this Tuesday morning (and a robin or two in the group). A close up picture of some of the waxwings.
John & Sharon P., Mapleton, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE thursDAY, 9 march 2023
Plymouth County, IA
Leesa and I saw in excess of 200 robins in our woods that are about 185 yards away from the house when we went down to retrieve our game cameras. This was a week ago. We had not seen any robins in 2023 prior to this. We typically do not see any around our house up on the hill. There is a lack of trees at the top with the exception of three large Eastern Red Cedars that serve a plethora of other bird species.
Jon N., SW Plymouth County, IA
Snyder Bend Birds
Thousands of waterfowl were present this morning, though the lake remains mostly frozen. The good news is that the open water is easily viewable from the parking lot. However, today's snow made visibility poor and the more distant birds impossible to identify.
Trumpeter Swan, 64
Snow Geese, a few with others flying over
Greater White-fronted Goose, > 2000
Canada Goose, >100
Mallard, hundreds
Northern Pintail, hundreds
Redhead, 100
Ring-necked Ducks, 100
Canvasback, 12
Lesser Scaup, 12
Green-winged Teal, 3
Common Goldeneye, 2
Gadwall, 2
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE wednesDAY, 8 march 2023
This morning, a very large flock of geese in a field with standing water across from the frozen ponds of Midway Park (IA 140, midway between Moville & Kingsley) - 100's of greater white fronted; several dozen snowies, including blue phase; and some ducks, including a northern shoveler pair & a redhead. There were also 17 trumpeter swans.
West of Kingsley, along the open waters of the West Fork Little Sioux River, geese were in the waters, on the mud bars, & in the fields on the edges of the banks: primarily Canadas, but some cackling geese. A mile west of that, a raucous flock of red-wing blackbirds filled the trees along a small creek.
- Kristy M., Kingsley
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE tuesDAY, 7 march 2023
Kramper Lake
Although the large lake is still frozen, the three sediment basins on the south of the road are melting around their edges and are teaming with waterfowl
Trumpeter Swan, 6
Greater White-fronted Goose, 2200
Snow Geese, 1000's in the sky
Ross's Goose, 1 with the White-fronts
Cackling Goose, 10
Canada Goose, hundreds scattered around
Green-winged Teal, 50
Wood Duck, 4
Northern Shoveler, 1 First of Year (FOY)
Gadwall, 20
American Wigeon, 4
Northern Pintail, 250
Mallard, maybe 1000
Lesser Scaup, 25
Ring-necked Duck, 100
Redhead, 50
Canvasback, 14 males FOY
Bufflehead, 1
Common Goldeneye, 3
Hooded Merganser, 3
Ring-billed Gull, 11 FOY
Killdeer, 1 FOY
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE monDAY, 6 march 2023
Kevin saw the Kestrel that hunts regularly near the shop where he works. It appears to be eating a mouse.
Kevin & Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Images copyright 20223 by Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
More Photos of the Day
Picture of eagle taken along the Big Sioux River 2 miles north of Jefferson bridge.
Picture of Canada geese taken in Ponca State Park.
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE friDAY, 3 march 2023
Thousands of Snow & Greater White-fronted Geese at Snyder Bend!
On the afternoon of 3-3-23, there was a huge flock of Snow Geese resting in the middle of Snyder’s Bend. Half were out of sight behind the grassland. They were spooked and all took flight and filled the skies in all directions. There were also flocks of Greater White-front’s flying in all directions. The sights and sounds were awesome!
Jerry V. and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Below images and video copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.











Slide show key:
Resting after a long flight.
A little closer view
Snows and Blues
Probably some Ross’s too.
A mass of geese!
They filled the sky!
So pretty above!
A closer sky view.
There were geese all around!
And they made a loud sound!
Which way should we go??
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE thursDAY, 2 march 2023
At dusk last night, a flock of 8 swans was flying low over the corn stubble north and west of the intersection of IA-140 & County Rd C-70 in Plymouth Co. They were flying away from me, so unable to tell which flavor of swan.
Lots of strings of geese (mostly Canada) flying high overhead yesterday morning in southern Plymouth/northern Woodbury Co's, with an occasionally "white dot" visible along those line. Gotta remember to carry my binoculars with me in this exciting time of the year!
Kristy M., Kingsley, IA
LHAS BIRD HOTLINE wednesDAY, 1 march 2023
Photos of the day!
Bald Eagle nest just south of Sioux City near Snyder’s Bend
Greater White-fronted Geese near Oswego
Canvasback and Redhead in same frame at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center (two images)
Leesa M., and Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
Images copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center
Three images of a Sharp-shinned Hawk on 2/27/23 (left and middle) and 3/1/23 (right image).
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
Day 4 of the Great Backyard Bird Count and I returned to Turtle Lake and Pammel Valley in Stone Park. I keep trying for another Pileated Woodpecker sighting at Turtle Lake. Did not happened today. I saw and heard Red-headed Woodpeckers and a Carolina Wren called for several minutes from the same location along the shore of the lake. On the way down to Pammel Valley I found one large tree with about 50 Cedar Waxwings flitting about and there were two Eastern Bluebirds in some lower branches. An adjacent tree had 6 American Robins.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge
This is a video of Snow Geese at the Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge on Feb 19th. The NWR is near Mound City, NE. It was estimated that about one million geese were here on their stopover on the way to Canada. It was an unbelievable sight.
Sharon & John P., Mapleton, IA
Stone Park
We saw a Carolina Wren by Turtle Lake on Sunday - we hiked down to the lake after we left Sioux City Prairie.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Sioux City Prairie Preserve
This is Day 3 of the Great Backyard Bird Count and I decided to visit a location I had not visited in a very long time, Sioux City Prairie Preserve. The morning was cool and there was a northwest wind. I walked the southern section of the prairie and did not see or hear a lot of bird activity until I started back to the Talbot Road gate. I heard and eventually found a singing Eastern Bluebird at a stand of cottonwood trees and sumac. It was quite vocal as it moved from tall tree stump to sumac tops. I lost the bird for a short time as it moved about. I thought I relocated the bluebird but discovered this new sighting was a Northern Shrike. It, too, moved from sumac top to small tree and eventually out of sight. See images below.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
The Loess Hills Audubon Society participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) on Saturday, February 18th. Twenty members and guests surveyed local hotspots such as the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center; Sioux City’s Bacon Creek and Riverside Parks; Snyder Bend and Little Sioux County Parks; Ponca State Park (NE), Blue Lake and Stone State Parks (IA) and the exotic locations of St. Louis County, MN and Castle Pines, CO.
Please click on the button below to see the full report and species identified for the full count period of Friday, 17 February through Monday, 20 February 2023.
Bill Huser, LHAS Vice-President & Outings Coordinator; 712-574-3107 or billfhuser@gmail.com
This is the first day of the Great Backyard Bird Count and I decided to visit Snyder Bend County Park because I had not visited the park in quite a while. I understood more water had been pumped into the oxbow but I was still surprised by the amount of ice. There was one small patch of open water towards the far shore of the oxbow. That small patch of open water, visible from the rental cabin parking area, had about 50 Trumpeter Swans and an equivalent number of Canada geese. There were also some other, smaller waterfowl. I did not have a spotting scope with me, to my regret. I could tell there were Common Mergansers, Common Goldeneye and I discovered a few Redhead in my images after I uploaded them. I only saw one immature Bald Eagle. The trail to the observation deck was about 90% ice covered.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Woodbury County, IA
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 1 male (first county record for this SE Iowa specialty)
Harris's Sparrow, 1
Song Sparrow, 1
American Tree Sparrow, 60
House Sparrow 4 males
This rarity was in the company of 4 House Sparrows and foraging on the same ground as the other sparrows listed. Identification is by the black spot on light gray face, reddish-brown crown and pale gray collar. Note that this species is not sexually dimorphic, so adults of each sex appear the same. This poor photo (below) was obtained by shooting through standing weeds using manual focus.
NOTE: this bird was on private property but seen from the public road. It was just east of an outbuilding at the private residence across from the main farm buildings. The bird was seen most often on the ground next to a dark green SUV parked on the east side of the eastern most outbuilding. This residence is inhabited and you're viewing the area may arouse the suspicions of the residents. Be prepared to explain yourselves.
Jerry P. and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Eurasian Tree Sparrow image copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
With the warm weather there are lots of flooded fields right now. A mile from home I found 16 Northern Pintails in a shallow flooded field. Migration has begun!
Jan J., near Wakefield, NE
Little Sioux River, State Highway 31
About 50 eagles seen this AM (Friday) in trees along the Little Sioux River between Oto and Anthon on State Highway 31.
Sharon P., Mapleton, IA
Perry Creek Trail, Sioux City, IA
If you haven’t seen a Belted Kingfisher this year, I saw one on Friday while walking the Perry Creek Trail. It was flying low by the creek which has flowing water. I saw it in the area behind the hardware store/old Shopko. The trail is on the west side of the creek, if you haven’t been there before (first street past creek). A friend of mine saw it there on Thursday as well.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
We were excited to find Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, and a Merlin east of Sergeant Bluff.
Jerry V., and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Merlin Perched Up High (top, left)
Snow Bunting Wading In Water (top, middle)
Snow Bunting Ice Skating (top, right)
Horned Lark King of the Hill (bottom, left)
Horned Lark with Cold Feet (bottom, middle)
An Elegant Snow Bunting (bottom, right)
All below images and videos copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
A Sharp-shinned Hawk keeping the birds on their toes this morning at our feeders. In one photo the hawk started to dive after one.
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
American Goldfinch image copyright 2023 by Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
American Goldfinch in flight captured on game cam.
Sharon P., Mapleton, IA
I’ve had a Merlin patrolling the yard the past couple weeks. I happened to glance out this afternoon to see him swoop in and catch one of the at-present-too-many Red-winged Blackbirds. He took it to a power pole in the yard and proceeded to pluck and devour the entire bird.
Jan J., Wakefield, NE photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bird-brained-quilter/
Ida County, IA
There were huge number of pheasant out, late afternoon, all looking for food in the deep snow here in Ida County. These three images are of a strange color looking pheasant rooster. Have you seen any that look like this miss-colored rooster?
Don P., Ida Grove, Iowa; Cell 712-369-3454
Below images copyright 2023 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
I was out yesterday and also this morning trying to record the wintering Snow Bunting that are now being seen in our area, They come down from Central and Northern Canada and some from as far away as Alaska. The usually are mixed in with flocks of Horned Larks and Longspurs.
Here is what I recorded of a small beautiful bird.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
All below images copyright 2023 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.





Salix Farms Dairy, 280th St, Woodbury County, IA
Snow Bunting, 130
Song Sparrow, 2 - feeding on 280th St gravel
Ring-necked Pheasants, 44
Owego Wetlands
Short-eared Owl, 2 - seen 30 min. after sunset
Great-horned Owl, 1
Merlin, 2 - interacting and flying together
Northern Harrier, 4
Rough-legged Hawk, 2 or more
Bald Eagle, pair on nest.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
1 Northern Cardinal
2 Downy woodpeckers
1 Bluejay
4 Pheasants (3 roosters, 1 hen)
7 or 8 Dark-eyed juncos
4 unintended invitees
Jon N., SW Plymouth County, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
Here are a few photos from the Snowy Day on January 28. We had a visit from a Carolina Wren (center images, below) that day. I am also including a Junco photo (left image) and a snowy squirrel (right image).
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2023 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
A few photos of Bald Eagles seen a couple days ago on the Big Sioux River which is the border between Iowa and SD. It was a frosty and pretty morning.
Jerry V., and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Photo key, starting on the left:
Big Sioux River—Iowa on right and S.D. on left
Adult Bald Eagle on a Frosty Morning!
Adults and Immatures.
2 Immatures take flight
All below images copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Hundreds of pheasants seen in fields between old Highway 141 and Luton at 8:46 this AM. Mostly females with a few males.
Sharon P., Monona County, IA
Big Sioux River - Woodbury County, IA & Union County, SD
Golden Eagle, 1 immature; all dark eagle with white tail base and distinct white patch on ventral inner primaries. Found early morning by Tyler Flammang. Seen and photographed later as it kited in the strong winds along the river bluffs (IA) and dove down to Big Sioux River channel and river banks (IA & SD). Very agile and active and interacted with airbourne Bald Eagles present.
Bald Eagle, 13 several age group/plumages present
Jerry P., Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Some photos from Plymouth County courtesy of Jon Nylen.
Top row: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Bottom row: Bald Eagle
All below images copyright 2023 by Jon Nylen
US -20 west of Jackson, Dakota County, NE
Merlin (Taiga) 1
Buckskin Hills WMA vicinity, Dixon County, NE
Golden Eagle, 1 adult; seen perched and in flight, entirely dark colored with no white on tail or wings. Golden nape and crown.
Red-tailed Hawk, 1 B.j. abieticola; whitish chin heavily streaked with dark, tawny upper breast, red-brown streaks from malar to breast band, heavier breast band than resident B.j. borealis.
Merlin (Taiga) 1
Northern Shrike, 2
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Woodbury County, IA
100 Snow Buntings (On 220th Street East of Carroll Ave.--Had several good looks as they worked the gravel road and did not see any other species with them.)
2 Song Sparrows (Intersection of 220th St. and Dallas Ave.)
Jerry V. and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Monona County, IA
Female Northern Cardinal image copyright 2023 John & Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
This picture of a female Northern Cardinal in flight was taken by our game cam on 1-19-23.
Sharon P., Mapleton, IA
Riverside Park, Sioux City, IA
A morning visit and an afternoon visit to Riverside Park and the Lewis & Clark Hike/Bike Trail along the Big Sioux River were rewarded with excellent views of 22 Trumpeter Swans and at least 35 adult and immature Bald Eagles. The eagles were aligned in the trees along the open water of the Big Sioux keeping close eyes on the swans and the numerous Canada Geese. Common Goldeneye and Common Mergansers were also observed in the open water.
Randy W. (AM) and Marla and Kevin K., (PM), Sioux City, IA
All photos below copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Woodbury County Birds
1 - Short-eared Owl (A surprise bird at 9:55 A.M. about 1/4 mile East of Carroll Ave.on 220th Street. It flew up out of the ditch and landed in the snow covered field to the south. Then took off towards the west.).
1 - Sharp-shinned Hawk
3 - Northern Harriers
16 - Ring-necked Pheasants
200 - American Tree Sparrows
Several small flocks of Horned Larks
Lots of fog and frosty trees.
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
lhas bird hotline thursday, 19 january 2023
Image copyright 2023, Bill & Dotty Zales, used with permission.
Plymouth County, IA
After the storm: Haven’t seen bobwhite here for years.
Bill and Dotty Z., Plymouth County, IA
Dixon County, NE
Not only did I have huge numbers but a great variety at the feeders today.
Black-capped Chickadee - rarely do I have them since West Nile. Last was 4 years ago and this one has been here for 5 days now
Northern Cardinal - male and female
Dark-eyed Junco - 1 Oregon variant
American Tree Sparrow
Blue Jay
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Red-bellied Woodpecker - male and female
Northern Flicker - yellow shafted
European Starling
Downy Woodpecker
Red-winged Blackbird
Hairy Woodpecker
Harris’s Sparrow - only one has stuck around this winter
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Finch - male and female
Eastern Towhee - male. He’s been here since November 25th
Eastern Screech-Owl - not at the feeders but in the nest box close by
Jan J., Wakefield, NE
lhas bird hotline wednesday, 18 january 2023
Dakota County Birds:
I Ave.
Trumpeter Swan, 2 adults, 2 immatures
200th St @ Rohde Farm
Brown Creeper, 1
137th St., Jackson
Ferruginous Hawk, 1 immature (see below)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
All below images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline saturday, 14 january 2023
We decided to drive along the Missouri River today to search for some birds. We did and the sightings were few. We did find a flock of approximately 20 Cedar Waxwings in the area Bill Huser found Bohemians on the Ponca CBC, but none in this flock. Also spotted two different Northern Shrikes, but the best bird of the day was a Golden Eagle about 1.5 miles north of highway 12 on 585 Ave. I barely had enough time to stop the car on the icy road, roll down the window and grab the camera so the light settings are not the best. My photo editing software isn’t the best.
Jan J., Wakefield, NE http://www.flickr.com/photos/bird-brained-quilter/
lhas bird hotline thursday, 12 january 2023
Tuesday, Jan. 10, Riverfront Drive, South Sioux City, NE
Merlin, 1
Wednesday, Jan. 11, Riverfront Drive, South Sioux City, NE
Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk, 1
Thursday, Jan. 12, Big Sioux River @ Riverside Park, Sioux City, IA & 2-Rivers Golf Course, Union County, SD
Trumpeter Swan, 14, including 2 immatures
Bald Eagle, 4
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
lhas bird hotline wednesday, 11 january 2023
American Kestrel image copyright 2023 by Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
This morning when Kevin was leaving the Utilities garage on 18th Street (west of the Floyd River) he saw an American Kestrel on a wire. When I picked him up after work around 3:30, there was a Kestrel on the fence in that same area eating a bird. We didn’t have our camera with us, but Kevin took a few photos with his cell phone.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
lhas bird hotline monday, 9 january 2023
Osprey image copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
On Sunday, 25 September 2022 Don Poggensee first saw the above osprey on Moorehead Lake. He recorded this view along the Maple River. Don reported the green band number 65P to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
On Monday, 9 January 2023 Don was contacted by Iowa DNR avian ecologist Anna Buckardt Thomas. In September she had reported Don’s observation to the USGS Bird Banding Lab (BBL) and BBL subsequently contacted the bander, Marco Restani, Professor Emmeritus of Wildlife Ecology, St. Cloud State University.
Dr. Restani replied to Anna on Sunday, 8 January 2023. He had banded 65/P (green band on the right leg, silver band on the left leg) as a nestling on 18 July 2022 in Billings, MT. The bird was about 35 days old at banding and had two siblings.
Dr. Restani also noted that he collaborates with 40+ volunteers from the Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society and five power companies. The volunteers monitor about 100 osprey nests along the Yellowstone River from Gardiner to Miles City. The vast majority of the nests exist on pole nest platforms erected by power companies to get the birds away from live wires. The project began in 2009 and since 2012 his group has banded 780 nestlings.
We have had banded ospreys from our project winter along the Atlantic Coast in South Carolina and Florida, and across the entire Gulf Coast from Florida through to the Yucatan. We have also had a few winter as far south as Costa Rica and as far east as Puerto Rico. Birds on migration have been encountered in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, and Indiana. Yours is the first observation from Iowa.
--Marco Restani
Dr. Restani then provided the following link to more information about the project:
Reported by Don Poggensee, Wind Rider Images, 174 Lakeview Drive, Ida Grove, Iowa 51445-8088; Cell 712-369-3454
lhas bird hotline sunday, 8 january 2023
Bluebird image copyright 2023 by Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
I was finally able to take a picture of the bluebirds visiting our bird bath on Sunday morning. They have been visiting the bath off and on all morning.
Sharon P., Mapleton, IA
lhas bird hotline saturday, 7 january 2023
Union County State Park, SD
Purple Finch, 10 including both sexes
Cedar Waxwing, 120 or more
American Robin, 80 or more
Brown Creeper, 1
Near Spink, SD
Snow Bunting, 14
South of Elk Point, SD
Trumpeter Swan, 3 adults, 2 immatures (in snow swept soybean stubble 1-2 miles from the Missouri River)
Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk, 1
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Stone Park
An early morning walk from Stone Park’s west entrance and the Big Sioux River through Black Bear Circle, past the cabins and over to the snow-covered road, up and along the ridge and back to the west entrance produced a list of 13 species. Highlights were 4 Bald Eagles, 2 adult and 2 immature, and 2 Common Mergansers along the Big Sioux. A Cooper’s Hawk was seen near the intersection to Dakota Point. A Red-headed Woodpecker was in the Black Bear Circle area and Northern Flickers all long the route.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA