Birdathon 2022

May 14-15, 2022

The Loess Hills Audubon Society recently held its annual Birdathon to raise funds for Chapter projects. Much like other “-athons,” donations are pledged based on chapter members’ ability to find as many species of birds as they can during this two-day period.

All in all, 11 teams, representing 19 Chapter members, turned in their findings. The 8 teams searching six local counties found a total of 137 species, while two additional teams birding farther afield in Indiana (IN), Eastern Iowa (EIA) and Colorado (CO) found an additional 19 species for a grand total of 156 species. These two totals compare with 150 and 168 species, respectively, with similar effort in 2021. The Chapter thanks all participants (see below) for their time and effort. Here are our hightlights:

Hooded Merganser Horned Grebe (CO) Ben Carlson
Eared Grebe (CO) Western Grebe (CO) Mark Haindfield
Sandhill Crane (EIA) American Avocet Bill Huser
Black-bellied Plover American Golden Plover Kevin Kerr
Willet (CO) Hudsonian Godwit Marla Kerr
Marbled Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Bob Nickolson
Sanderling Dunlin Phyllis Nickolson
Black Tern American White Pelican Jan Null
Great Egret (CO) Cattle Egret (CO) Pam Pfautsch
Swainson's Hawk Broad-winged Hawk John Polifka
Merlin (CO) Olive-sided Flycatcher (CO) Sharon Polifka
White-eyed Vireo (IN) Tufted Titmouse Jerry Probst
Red-breasted Nuthatch Gray-cheeked Thrush (IN) Jerry Probst
Clay-clored Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Ed Sibley
White-throated Sparrow Bobolink Jane Sibley
Great-tailed Grackle (CO) Bullock's Oriole (CO) Dawn Snyder
Chestnut-sided Warbler (IN) Magnolia Warbler (IN) Jerry VonEhwegen
Northern Parula Black-throated Green Warbler (IN) Randy Williams
Blackburnian Warbler Prothonotary Warbler (IN) Bill Zales
Louisiana Waterthrush Canada Warbler Dotty Zales
Summer Tanager Blue Grosbeak .

Now, the critical portion of the project follows:

  • Each participant/team is requested to collect all their pledged donations and send them to me.

  • Each donor who pledged a donation is requested to forward it to your team or directly to me.  

  • Each additional person who would like to donate to the Chapter’s projects is asked to send an amount based on the number of species found or a flat amount of your choosing. Be sure to designate it as ‘Birdathon.’

(Note: Make checks out to ‘Loess Hills Audubon Society’)

Most importantly, the Chapter thanks all of you who have donated to Chapter projects and to those of you who considered such.

 Bill Huser, LHAS Outings Coordinator & Birdathon Czar, 140 Oakmont Drive, South Sioux City, NE  68776; cell: 712-574-3107 or