Northern Saw-whet Owl banner image copyright 2024 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
Ponca State Park
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Thank you to Ponca personnel and count participants!
Ponca State Park's 20th Official Christmas Bird Count was held on Saturday, December 14 as part of the Park's Winterfest weekend. In spite of the dire weather forecast, road conditions were good, and participants from Sioux City, IA; South Sioux City, Wayne, Norfolk, and Lincoln, NE; and nearby South Dakota were present and searching for birds. However, the foggy conditions negatively impacted both bird activity and viewing conditions.
Though the official list is not yet complete, at least 54 species were recorded with highlights being Golden Eagle, Pileated Woodpecker, Long-eared Owl, Merlin, Northern Shrike, Winter Wren, Purple Finch and both Rusty Blackbird and Brewer's Blackbirds. Additionally, more common birds not expected on CBC's included Great Blue Heron, Eastern Bluebird, Golden-crowned Kinglet and Harris's Sparrow that persevered in the cold temperatures rather than leaving for milder climates.
There were 16 participants: 7 - Park volunteers, staff or administrators; 4 - Loess Hills Audubon members; and 5 - Nebraska Ornithologists' Union members from Norfolk and Wayne.
Thank you to Ponca State Park from all participants for hosting the count and providing a warm meeting place, a hot lunch, warm rest rooms, bird feeding stations, rescue services (none needed this year) and a compiler to crunch our data.
Bill Huser, Loess Hills Audubon Society
Total Individuals: 4243
Total Species: 59
Yankton Christmas Bird Count
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Thirty-one people from Yankton, Vermillion, and Sioux Falls, South Dakota; South Sioux City, Omaha, and Wayne, Nebraska; and Sioux City, Iowa enjoyed a cool and partly cloudy day to be out counting birds. A total of 22,022 birds of 76 different species of birds were found. That is the same number of species as last year but just a slightly different mix of species and not as high as the 82 species record set in 2012 and recorded again in 2020.
Highlights of the day were three Trumpeter Swans, one Lesser Yellowlegs, thirteen Long-tailed Ducks, three Song Sparrows, and one Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Record high counts of the following species were found:
Trumpeter Swans photographed during count week and also documented on count day. Swan image copyright 2024 by Roger Dietrich, used with permission.
Ring-necked Duck - 86
Greater Scaup - 350
Lesser Scaup - 985
Long-tailed Duck - 13
Bufflehead - 44
Common Goldeneye - 9,000
Double-crested Cormorant - 11
A Lesser Yellowlegs was only seen one other time on this count and that was back in 1995 and the Trumpeter Swans were recorded for the first time on the count. Two interesting hybrids were also observed: Common Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser hybrid and a Trumpeter Swan x Whooper Swan hybrid or perhaps the bird could be just an aberrant Trumpeter or some other hybrid.
One additional species that we did not find on Sunday but was observed for “Count Week” (three days before and three days after our Sunday count day): Canvasback.
Species expected to be found that were missed this year include: Ruddy Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Carolina Wren, Horned Lark, White-throated Sparrow, Merlin, Prairie Chicken, Hermit Thrush, Brown-headed Cowbird, and Snow Bunting.
The next Audubon Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 14, 2025. If you have any questions about the 2024 or 2025 Christmas Bird Counts contact Roger Dietrich at
Total Birds: 22,022
Total Species: 76
Getting It Done! Standing, from left: Anne S., Sharon P., Jan N., Donna P. Seated, from left: Maria R., Dawn S., Dotty Z.
Westfield Christmas Bird Count
tuesday, 17 December 2024
Final Westfield CBC numbers:
64 species, highest ever!
8570 birds, 2nd highest!
There were 19 observers in the field and one feeder watcher!
Dotty Zales, Compiler

Above images copyright 2024 by the respective photographers as listed below, used with permission.
Sharon Polifka
Sunrise on Count Day
Jan Null
We thought it was a Deer!
Black-capped Chickadees were active!
Northern Cardinal hiding in a bush.
Rough-legged Hawk perched on a steel post.
A much better view up here!
Maria Rundquist - Lunch Break! - four images
Randy Williams
Power lines over Joy Hollow
Power Pattern
Technology at the Primitive Campsite
Purple Finch
Red-tailed Hawk
Intersection of Joy Hollow and Butcher Road
Top video by Maria Rundquist; Bottom video by Jan Null. Videos copyright 2024 by the respective videographers, used with permission.
Sioux City Christmas Bird Count
saturday, 21 December 2024
We had a total of 62 species and a total of 5,376 birds due to the help of 25 observers in field parties by foot, by car, at feeders and even one crazy person on a bicycle. This person traveled 20 miles by bicycle! Observers traveled 17.5 miles by foot, 517 miles by car. This year’s count includes three hours of owling - walking 2 miles. There were four feeder parties, accounting for 5.5 hours of feeder watching. Temperatures ranged during the day from 8-26 degrees F.
Jerry Probst, Compiler, South Sioux City, NE

All above images copyright 2024 by the respective photographers as listed below, used with permission.
Kevin Kerr
Cold Pigeon
River Ice
Double-crested Cormorant
Female Common Mergansers
Jan Null
American Robin in a Pear Tree (But no Partridge!)
Canada Geese hiding behind Walmart
Randall Williams
Flatwater Crossing
Bald Eagle on the Missouri River
Red-tailed Hawk Front
Red-tailed Hawk Back
Cone Crest Trail, Cone Park
Rough-legged Hawk, Prairie Park
Red-tailed Hawk, Prairie Park
Bald Eagle on the Big Sioux River
Ida Grove Christmas Bird Count
sunday, 22 December 2024
We had a total of 55 species discovered by 15 participants for a total of 3, 695 birds due to great help from Akron, Sioux City, Storm Lake, and local birders.
Don Poggensee, Ida Grove, IA

Above images copyright 2024 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Great View on way to Ida County CBC!
CBC’s are more than just counting Birds!
Looking for Birds.
This Bald Eagles nest had 2 Adults present.
Can we count this one??
Belted Kingfisher was a good find!
No one can see me here.