Meet up with Chapter members in Valentine, NE on Friday, June 16, to join the group’s exploration of Sandhill prairie, lakes and bird life.
The Nebraska Sandhills are ancient sand dunes covered with an expansive prairie and dotted with marshes and lakes. With both of these rich habitats in close proximity, bird life abounds. Prairie species such as Long-billed Curlew, Marbled Godwit, Willet, Greater Prairie Chicken, Swainson’s Hawks, Burrowing Owls and Lark Buntings can be found. Waterfowl nest on or near the wetlands, which also host nesting grebes, rails, bitterns, night herons and wrens. Additionally, western counterparts of eastern species like Western Wood Pewee, Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting and others are possible.
We have 6 rooms reserved at the Harmony Inn, in Valentine for the nights of Friday and Saturday, June 16 & 17. Plans call for Friday travel, birding most of Saturday and return on Sunday. Additional rooms may be available if we act fast. To reserve a room call 402-376-3131 to have a room put under your name and on your credit card. Tell them you are part of the ‘Bill Huser group’ to receive the discounted rate of $124/night. Rooms are available on a first come first served basis. Please also notify me, 712-574-3107, of your plans so I may advise others about accommodations and arrange caravans for those departing at similar times.
Call me with any questions.
Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.
Bill Huser, LHAS Vice-President & Outings Coordinator at 712-574-3107 or